Friday, December 27, 2019
Belonging English Speech - 1493 Words
Belonging English Speech INTRO Belonging is a fundamental part for all individuals in which we strive for acceptance and security through others. Understanding is a main part of feeling like you belonging. Individuals belong when they fell connected to others and the world. However to do this they must first have an understanding and acceptance of self which will nourish their sense of belonging. A lack of understanding of the concept of belonging and yourself leads to preventing your identity, relationships, acceptance and ultimately belonging. The concept of the understanding of belonging is shown in my three texts: Swallow the air – Tara Jane Winch, Rabbit Proof Fence – Phillip Noyce and So Much to Tell You – John Marsden. STA In†¦show more content†¦The misunderstanding from the white authorities is preventing her from belonging with her family and community. The motif of the fence represents the paths that the three girls have to following on their journey back to there family. Is a positive link between Molly and her mother to help her find her way home. The fence not only provides for Molly a way home but also a way to re-establish a connection with her mum and land where she belongs. A route the girls must take in order for them to feel security and comfort once again. Molly understands what she has to do and is determined to not let this barrier keep her from her family. Link back to topic sentence Specific camera angles are used at the beginning of the film to show that the girls do not want to go on this journey. This is evident in the scene where the girls are being transported away from their family on the train. Close ups are used to show the distress on Molly’s facial expressions as she is being taken from her family and doesn’t know where she is going. Although there is no dialogue this displays to the audience that she is being forced on this journey away from connections to her family and land were she has strong relationships and feels security and acceptance. Understanding helps this howww Chuck the word understanding in there somewhere haha LINK Molly is similar to the protagonist Marina in the novel So Much toShow MoreRelatedThe Three Levels Of Standardness In English1361 Words  | 6 PagesThe three levels of standardness in English are formal standard English, informal standard/mainstream English, and vernacular English (Wolfram Schilling, 2016). Based in written language, formal standard English is greatly enforced in formal institutions such as schools and is codified in English grammar texts. It is resistant to change and only used in formal written or spoken language (Wolfram Schilling, 2016). 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
How does Rousseau Understand the Concept of Freedom
Readings of Rousseau’s writings’ have exposed distinct arguments around his concept of freedom, and what constitutes natural, moral and civil freedoms. Since the publication of his works, in the eighteenth century, the complexity of the concepts in Rousseau’s writings has cause furious debate and controversy. Much of this deliberation arises out of the ambiguity inherent in his concepts of freedom. In his writing, at times, the concepts of natural, moral and civil freedoms are mutually exclusive, but at other junctures they are ambiguously intertwined. With the concept of freedom sitting as the corner stone of Rousseau’s philosophy, it is understandable, even in contemporary times, his essays still evokes debate. By individually exploring each stage in his manifestations of freedom, the intention of this paper will be to reveal Rousseau’s conceptual ideas which establish what he argues to be freedom. Initially the essay will build Rousseau’s ‘Natural State’ with the intention of explaining his concept of ‘Natural Freedom’. The obvious progression, from this juncture, will be to look at what Rousseau believes are the corrupting elements that lead to the pollution the ‘Natural State’. All the time leading to the un-reclaimable loss of ‘Natural Freedom’, as people coalesce and interact; and ultimately progress towards a civilised society and the inevitable state of becoming unfree. The paper will then continue by looking at Rousseau’s solution to the loss of natural freedom,Show MoreRelatedExploring Karl Marx and Jean-Jacque Rousseaus Views on Freedom1541 Words  | 7 PagesJean-Jacque Rousseau occasionally seem at odds with one another both philosophers needs to be read as an extension of each other to completely understand what human freedom is. 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Jean Jacques Rousseau developed the theory of sovereign government and the ‘le volante general’, meaning the general will, in his book The Social Contract. There are certain problems with his theory such as, citizens will not be in similar situations, and so if the law was decided on, it will have different impacts on different people, leaving the minority at a disadvantageRead MoreThe Rousseau s Thesis And Social Contract1548 Words  | 7 PagesTo better understand Rousseau’s thesis and social contract he proposed, we must first understand why Rousseau felt compelled to write and his main criticism of society during the 18th century. In sum, Rousseau argued that states (specifically France, though never explicitly stated) have not protected man’s right to freedom or equality. Rousseau began The Social Contract in dramatic fashion. He wrote, â€Å"man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains†(1). This quote is still used today, and isRead MoreMarriage Is Not About Religion, Atheists Marry1591 Words  | 7 Pagesmoralities of freedom, in which we are co nstitutionally promised justice and the pursuit of happiness -- each person reserves the rights to his or her own naturally given pursuit of happiness. By legalizing same-sex marriage, our country would strengthen that sense of morality and ensure that everyone is endowed to the same rights granted through marriage. 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By analyzing each philosopher’s ideology, we can identify which thinker’s theory reflected modern era liberalism the most. For this paper I will be arguing that, John Locke provides a more compelling framework of modern era liberalism because of his perception of the state of nature, the social contract and the function of government
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Did Nostradamus Really Predict New York Attack free essay sample
? Essay, Research Paper Did Nostradamus truly predict New York onslaught? By Geert De Clercq SINGAPORE, Sept 13 ( Reuters ) # 8211 ; Internet confab suites are abuzz with talk that 16th century Gallic astrologist Nostradamus forecast the onslaught on the World Trade Center in New York. Thousands of people have received e-mails incorporating this prognostication, frequently with a 2nd portion prediction that the onslaught on the twin towers will tag the beginning of World War III. Several versions are making the unit of ammunitions. This is one of them: # 8220 ; In the twelvemonth of the new century and nine months From the sky will come a great King of Terror The sky will fire at 45 grades Fire approaches the new city. # 8221 ; The text corresponds approximately to a poetry in Nostradamus # 8217 ; s Century ( subdivision ) Six, Quatrain 97. Several books on Nostradamus have speculated that this quatrain # 8217 ; s first line refers to September 2001, the 9th month in the first twelvemonth of the new century, while the 45 grades is interpreted as the latitude of the metropolis of New York. But New York lies merely below 41 grades latitude and Nostradamus # 8217 ; s poetry does non advert a great war, contrary to what several electronic mails say. In many electronic mails, the poetry comes with a 2nd portion, which seems harder to associate to Nostradamus: # 8220 ; In the metropolis of York there will be a great prostration Two duplicate brothers torn apart by pandemonium While the fortress falls the great leader will yield Third large war will get down when the large metropolis is burning. # 8221 ; HOAXSTRADAMUS? # 8220 ; ( This 2nd quatrain ) is NOT by Nostradamus, # 8221 ; read a statement on, a Web site for Nostradamus survey. Hoax or non, assorted versions of the poetry are being forwarded by the 1000s every twenty-four hours. # 8220 ; Initially, I was truly doubting, but I went to the web to look up something on ( Nostradamus ) . Some prognostications have come true, # 8221 ; Agnes Ng, a 23-year old Singaporean accounting pupil, told Reuters on Thursday. She received one of the prognostications in an electronic mail from a friend. Before send oning the message to her contacts, she posted a transcript on Usenet newsgroup alt.prophecies.nostradamus. The e-mail she received was even more specific, calculating that: # 8220 ; The large war will get down when the large metropolis is firing on the 11th twenty-four hours of the 9th month that # 8230 ; two metal birds would crash into two tall statues in the new metropolis and the universe will stop shortly after. # 8221 ; One of the newsgroup subscribers who goes by the e-mail nickname of # 8220 ; Justaguy # 8221 ; said this was a sham. # 8220 ; It has been posted ad nauseam, # 8221 ; he said. Nostradamus prognostications surface after about every major intelligence event. False or existent, they struck a chord in Singapore. Bookstore salespeople told Reuters there had been strong demand for books on Nostradamus since Tuesday # 8217 ; s onslaughts. An Internet Hoax # 8220 ; Come the millenary, month 12 In the place of greatest power The small town imbecile will come Forth To be acclaimed the leader. # 8221 ; Shortly after the US Supreme Court selected George W. Bush as president in 2000, this quatrain made the Internet Rounds. After having many e-mail messages inquiring whether it had genuinely been written by Nostradamus, I used this site # 8217 ; s Nostradamus Search Engine to look into. The undermentioned quatrain, which refers to an # 8220 ; Idiot Heir # 8221 ; # 8212 ; non # 8220 ; Village Idiot # 8221 ; # 8212 ; is possibly the beginning of the fraud. Scroll further down this page to read remarks made by John Hogue, writer of many all right books refering Nostradamus and his prognostications. In the New York Post, you can reed: XMAS GREETINGS OF THE RICH A ; FAMOUS # 8220 ; Come the Millennium, month 12, in the place of the greatest power, the small town imbecile will come Forth to be acclaimed the leader. # 8221 ; A dubious one will non come far from the kingdom, The greater portion will desire to back up him: A Capitol, will non desire him to govern at all, His great load he will non be able to keep. This # 8220 ; dubious one # 8221 ; could stand for the intellectually lightweight George W. Bush. The # 8220 ; uncertainty # 8221 ; could connote some on-going intuition throughout his presidential term that Bush cheated Al Gore ( who won the bulk of the popular national ballot ) out of the popular ballot in Florida by fly-by-night tactics. A fraud in the Florida ballot count efficaciously gave Bush the necessary electoral ballots to # 8220 ; lawfully # 8221 ; win the election. Nostradamus # 8217 ; usage of # 8220 ; dubious one # 8221 ; could besides bespeak that with clip an of all time larger shadow of bastardy will project itself across a Bush presidential term. The 2nd line might depict a period of attempted healing during the wake of the election. A clip when a bulk of the people of America will seek to beat up around their # 8220 ; dubious # 8221 ; new president. Line three may suggest to us who President Bush # 8217 ; s existent political enemies are. By the manner, it may non be the Democrats in the stalemated Congress. My sense is it will be the right wing elements of his ain Republican Party. But the obstructions do non stop at that place. Those who # 8220 ; will non desire him to govern # 8221 ; could be those work forces behind the scenes that may hold put this maleable adult male into office to be their rehearsed marionette spokesman for their docket. How could those who put him there turn against him? Looking at Bush # 8217 ; s natal astrological chart I see the potency for great self-delusion and a preference for substance maltreatment. The maltreatment in this instance comes from the drug called # 8220 ; power. # 8221 ; At some clip in his presidential term Bush will arise against his animal trainers. As his presidential term becomes more besieged with jobs and [ deficiency of ] credibleness, he might endeavor to be his ain adult male and cease to listen to his advisors, doing even greater jobs and greater strains upon himself. The last line, hence, may depict what I fear is some nervous dislocation or wellness job coming from the overpowering force per unit areas put upon a fundamentally good, yet emotionally and intellectually immature adult male. Now, with this reading said, I wish to admonish you all that there is an even stronger application for this quatrain for an earlier Republican president ; one respected by the Gallic people. It must be remembered that Nostradamus saw the hereafter through the perceptual experience of a Frenchman. If aliens come into his vision it is because they are in some manner appreciative of, or are act uponing the hereafter of, France. We do non cognize how the Gallic will finally see Bush. Indeed the early marks point to present twenty-four hours and future ridicule. Be that as it may, on page 448 of my book Michel de notredame: The Complete Prophecies, I applied this prognostication to Richard Nixon back in 1997. Here is what I said: # 8220 ; This is [ about ] Nixon. Nostradamus would non overlook a adult male who did so much to alter the class of 20th-century history. But our prophesier, of all time the pessimist, had Nixon to # 8220 ; kick around # 8221 ; long before the controversial American president was born. # 8220 ; In line 1 Nixon is the # 8220 ; doubltful one # 8221 ; who is regarded heartily in France. Even the fretful Charles De Gaulle was an supporter. After Nixon # 8217 ; s autumn following the Watergate dirt, he could still happen regard and awards during his visits to the # 8220 ; realm # 8221 ; of France. Possibly Nostradamus is stating that Nixon is # 8220 ; non far # 8221 ; from bein g a Frenchman. In line 2 the â€Å"greater part†back uping Nixon during the 1968 presidential election was what he called the â€Å"Silent Majority.†He declared himself the title-holder of normal, middle-class Americans who were non represented in the disruptive political sphere of the late sixtiess. Line 3’s â€Å"Capitol†represents Washington DC, and the Democrat-controlled Congress of the United States. Their ferocious political competition with the Republican president eventually led to their ballot for his impeachment, coercing him to vacate from office. Line 4 depicts a Nixon burdened with the cover-up over Watergate, unable to keep power and carry through his far-reaching geopolitical dreams to stop the Cold War.†Time and events will state whether Nostradamus # 8217 ; Quatrain 13 of Century 6 describes the calamity of a president yesteryear, or president hereafter. This is credited to Nostradamus, in 1555. We picked it up off the Internet, so it might be a fraud. Still, it has amusive currency. . . Juste un rigolo! ( Just a jokester! ) + The words # 8220 ; small town # 8221 ; , # 8220 ; idiot # 8221 ; , # 8220 ; mill nium # 8221 ; , # 8220 ; mill naire # 8221 ; be in French, but they don # 8217 ; Ts exist in the Nostradamus anticipations. + Nostradamus has neer put the word # 8220 ; month # 8221 ; at the side of # 8220 ; twelve # 8221 ; . + The twelvemonth 1999 is the last exact day of the month that Nostradamus specify. So, if you are looking for # 8220 ; Nostradamus 2001 # 8243 ; , be careful. Prophecies of the ( Near ) hereafter? ( From the Epistle to Henry II ) # 8220 ; Then the great imperium of the Antichrist will get down where Attila and Xerxes descended ( Central Asia and Persia/Iran ) # 8212 ; in Numberss great and infinite, so many that the coming of the Holy Ghost, continuing from the 48th grade will do a transmigration, driving out the abomination of the Antichrist [ who is ] doing war against the Royal who will be the great Vicar of Jesus Christ, and against his Church, and his reign for a clip and to the terminal of time. # 8221 ; # 8220 ; And this will be preceded by a solar occultation more dark than any since the creative activity of the universe # 8230 ; , and there shall be in the month of October some great motion and transference and it will be such that one will believe that the Earth has lots its natural motion, and that it will be plunged into the abysm of ageless darkness ; there will be initial portents in the spring, and extraordinary alterations in rapid sequence thenceforth, reversals of lands and mighty temblors, with the addition of the new Babylon # 8230 ; , augmented by the abomination of the first Holocaust, and it will last no less than 73 old ages and 7 months # 8230 ; # 8221 ; # 8220 ; And so great peace will be established, brotherhood and Concord between the kids of the frontiers who have been gathered and separated by diverse reigns # 8230 ; # 8221 ; Century 1, Quatrain 17 For 40 old ages the rainbow will non look ; For 40 old ages it will be seen every twenty-four hours: The waterless Earth will turn more dry, And great inundations when it will be seen. Century 1, Quatrain 56 You will see, earlier and subsequently, great alterations made, Extreme horrors and retributions: For as the Moon is therefore led by its angel, The celestial spheres draw near to the calculation. Century 1, Quatrain 63 Plagues extinguished, the universe becomes smaller, For a long clip the lands will be inhabited in peace: Peoples will go safely through the sky ( over ) land and moving ridge: Then wars will get down afresh. Century 1, Quatrain 91 The Gods will do it look to the worlds, That they will be the writers of a great struggle: Sword and spear before Eden is observed as serene, So that on the left manus there will be great affliction. Century 2, Quatrain 45 Excessively much the celestial spheres weep for the Androgyne reproduction, Near the celestial spheres human blood shed: Because of decease excessively tardily a great people re-created, Late and shortly comes the anticipated aid Century 3, Quatrain 34 When the occultation of the Sun will so be, The monster ( godly portents ) will be seen in apparent daytime: Quite otherwise will one construe it, High monetary value unguarded: none will hold provided for it. Century 9, Quatrain 31 The shaking of the Earth at Mortara, The Sn islands of St. George half sunk ; Drowsy with peace, war will originate, At Easter in the temple abysms opened. Century 9, Quatrain 9 When the lamp firing with an inextinguishable fire, Will be found in the temple of the Vestals, Infant found fire, H2O go throughing through the screen, Nimes, Toulouse perish [ in ] H2O, the market to prostration. Century 9, Quatrain 99 Northern air current will do the besieging to be raised, Over the walls to throw ashes, lime chalk and dust, Through rain afterwards, which will make them much injury, Meanest aid against their frontier. Century 9, Quatrain 66 There will be peace, brotherhood and alteration, Estates and offices low [ are ] high, those high [ made ] really low: To fix for a journey torments the first progeny, War to discontinue, civil procedures, arguments. Century 10, Quatrain 42 The human kingdom of Angelic progeny, Will do its kingdom to keep in peace and brotherhood: War confined halfway inside its enclosure, For a long clip peace will be maintained for them. Century 10, Quatrain 74 The twelvemonth the great 7th figure is accomplished, Looking at the clip of the great games of slaughter: Not far from the age of the great millenary, When the dead will come out of their Gravess. Books Michel de notredame: The Complete Prophecies by John Hogue ( hardback ) Michel de notredame: The Complete Prophecies by John Hogue ( paper-back book ) Michel de notredame: Countdown to Apocalypse by Jean-Charles De Fontbrune Michel de notredame: The Final Reckoning by Peter Lemesurier Michel de notredame: The New Revelations by John Hogue The Complete Prophecies of Nostradamus by Henry C. Roberts 1000 for 2000: Prophecies for the New Millennium by John Hogue The Final Prophecies of Nostradamus by Erika Cheetham Michel de notredame by Knut Boese The Keys to the Predictions of Nostradamus by Bardo Kidogo ( Note: This is a fresh. ) The Nostradamus Code by Ottavio Ramotti Michel de notredame: Prophecies Fulfilled and Predictions for the Millennium and Beyond by Skinner and King Nostradamus 1999: Who Will Survive? by Stefan Paulus Michel de notredame: The Following 50 Old ages by Peter Lemesurier The Millennium Book of Prophecy by John Hogue The Nostradamus Encyclopedia by Peter Lesurier Michel de notredame: Prophecies for Women by Manuela Dunn Mascetti Mammoth Book of Nostradamus and Other Nebiims by Damon Wilson Michel de notredame: The Man Who Saw Through Time by Lee McCann Complete Prophecies of Nostradamus by Various Subscribers Michel de notredame: Predictions for the twenty-first Century by Manfred Dimde When the Comet Runs by Tom Kay
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
The Emotional Impact of Bullying and Cyberbullying on Victims free essay sample
Traditional bullying or bullying is considered as the infringement of the rights of a child to a happy and productive life, inside and outside the school (Greene, 2006). Cyberbullying is defined as disseminating harmful or cruel speech or engaging in other forms of social cruelty using the internet or other information communication technologies (Willard,2005). Arguments have been made by some researchers whether Cyberbullying is just a distinct phenomenon or rather be considered as a part or extension of traditional bullying behaviors (Olweus, 2012 and Li, 2007). Comparing risk factors on cyberbullying and that of traditional bullying is one way to identify key similarities and differences between the two behaviors. It is important to establish whether these are two separate types of bullying or whether cyberbullying is an extension of traditional bullying and how they are related with each other. Many studies have shown relation or involvement between traditional form and cyber for m of bullying. We will write a custom essay sample on The Emotional Impact of Bullying and Cyberbullying on Victims or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A study conducted by Dehue, Bolman, Vollink and Pouwelse (2012) among a sample of adolescents found out that only 7.1% were inclusively involved in cyberbullying, while 22.8% experienced both cyberbullying and traditional bullying as a victim or either the bully. Another study of Smith et al. (2008) found that over 80% of cybervictims were former traditional victims and the results also shows that three quarters of cyberbullies were also traditional bullies. It appears that traditional bullies also have the potential to develop and become cyber bullies which is a negative effect, and those victims of bullying at school could also be cybervictims. A study of Raskauskas and stoltz(2007) found that 85% of cybervictims were also traditional victims and 94% of cyberbullies were also traditional bullies. Olweus (2012) found that 10% of children that have experienced cyberbullying did not experience traditional bullying and that few new victims or bullies are created because of cyberbullying. And it just shows that bullying is integrated from one setting which is the school to a place which is the cyber world.
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