Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Euthanasia Research Paper
Euthanasia Research Paper Euthanasia is a unique practice of ending the life of an individual suffering from a terminal disease/illness or an incurable condition by means of the suspension of extraordinary medical treatment or lethal injection. The history of this phenomena dates back for centuries, but it wasnt until 1906 when the first bill to legalize euthanasia in America was introduced in the Ohio legislature. For several years, legislatures have been turning down bills aimed at the legalization of euthanasia in the United States. In 1937, the Nebraska legislature voted down a bill legalizing voluntary active euthanasia in the U.S. Only two years later, the New York legislature rejected a bill that was also aimed at the legalization of euthanasia in the United States. In 1991 the Washington State Initiative Bill legalizing voluntary euthanasia was narrowly defeated. (6) In 1994, Oregon passed a law to allow doctors to prescribe lethal drugs, but an injunction prevented it from taking effect. As of today, euthanasia is illegal in almost every country. In fact, it is only legal in the state of Oregon and the Netherlands. These are the only two places in the world where laws specifically permit euthanasia or assisted suicide. Oregon permits assisted suicide while the Netherlands permits both euthanasia and assisted suicide. In 1995, Australias northern territory approved a euthanasia bill which went into effect in 1996, but it was overturned by the Australian Parliament in 1997. Also, in 1997, Columbias Supreme Court ruled that penalties for mercy killing should be removed.(4) This ruling will not go into effect though until guidelines are approved by the Columbian Congress. In Belgium, lawmakers have agreed on the provisions of a key article in a draft proposal to legalize euthanasia. The proposed bill would not only allow doctors to euthanasia terminally- ill patients, but also those who are incurably ill with years left to live. (4) In Michigan, the assisted suicide ballot initiative was defeated due to television ads who are now shifting gears to focus on alternatives to assisted suicide such as hospice care. Advocates for assisted suicide in Michigan are releasing their own radio and television ads in attempt to counter the anti-proposal ads. Many court cases have come out of the heated topic as well. While the first euthanasia case in Japan was in 1949, it wasnt until 1962 that the Nagayo Court created a criteria for lawful active euthanasia. The court concluded if six conditions could be fulfilled, a death should be admitted as lawful euthanasia. (6) In 1976, the New Jersey Supreme Court ruled in the Karen Ann Quinlin case that she had the right through her family to refuse life-sustaining treatment. In 1981, A Rotterdam court ruled on conditions under which aiding suicide and administering voluntary euthanasia will not be prosecuted. The Supreme Court of the Netherlands declared that voluntary euthanasia is acceptable subject to ten clearly defined conditions in 1984, and in 1993 the Netherlands passed a law which prevented doctors from being prosecuted when certain guidelines are followed. In 1994, Oregon passed a law to allow doctors to prescribe lethal drugs, but an injunction prevented it from taking effect. Also in 1994, delegates from the National Peoples Congress in the Republic of China, proposed a law in support of euthanasia. (6) In 1995, Australias Northern Territory Rights of the Terminally Ill Bill by Marshall Perron was instated which allowed euthanasia under careful controls. In 1995, Singapore introduced a right- to-die law which was originally sought after not to legalize euthanasia but to give the terminally ill the right to make a living will. Throughout this time many societies that were pro euthanasia began forming all over the world. In 1935, the Voluntary Euthanasia Society in England was formed by Lord Moynihan and Dr Killick Millard. In 1938, The Euthanasia Society of the United States of America was founded in New York City. In 1973, voluntary euthanasia societies began forming in the Netherlands. Three years later more societies started forming in Japan and Germany. In 1980, The Voluntary euthanasia Society in Scotland published the first suicide guide, How to Die With Dignity. (6) By the 1990s euthanasia had become a worldwide topic of debate. There are many pros and cons that deal with euthanasia. In dealing with the pro view, the major argument is that all Americans have a constitutional right to life, and with this control of life also comes the authority to end it. Prohibitions on suicide are viewed by many as a violation of basic constitutional freedoms and governmental interference. (5) Proponents also use t he argument that newly diagnosed patients with terminal illnesses may want to end their lives before they endure physical discomfort or suffering. Patients may want to seek euthanasia in order to avoid being seen in a diminished capacity and protect their memory of an able-bodied life. Another argument for the use of euthanasia is to avoid leaving loved ones the expensive costs of medical care and posing a financial burden to them. Choosing assisted suicide may prove to be more cost efficient than long-term medical care. Next to pain and suffering, this is the second major reason why people decide to end their lives.(5) Many proponents see that The argument against assisted-suicide is advanced by a religious minority who believe that a just, loving god should decide the moment of death. (3) These are some of the major reasons why proponents for euthanasia support the right to die. People who oppose the legalization of euthanasia use the argument that once the gate is opened, others lives will be at risk. Over time statutes may give rise to broader and less stringent laws that provide people with non-terminal disabilities, an excuse to end their lives. (5) Many advocates take the position that legalizing assisted suicide and active voluntary euthanasia today will lead to active involuntary euthanasia tomorrow. (5) Another argument is that many people who are terminally ill and feel themselves to be a burden to their family, are not really tired off life and dont actually want to die. If euthanasia was readily available, the patient might feel obligated to use it. There are many more arguments on the legalization of euthanasia or assisted suicide. One dealing with the con view is that the patients voluntary and informed consent is never certain because most people who want to die are under duress. If a request is made while an individual is suffering or under excruciating pain, then it is arguable that drugs may have prevented the person from making a fully rational decision. Also it is argued that the norms of medicine prohibit a physician from ever acting with the intent to kill a patient or to aid him in killing himself. (1) Some agree as well that Death is never the answer, and precious lives must be preserved. (2) The Hemlock society is a major proponent in assisted suicide. Hemlock strongly believes that people should be able to have dignity and choice at the end of life. They ought to have the option of a peaceful, gentle, certain and swift death in the company of their loved ones. (7) The Hemlock society advocated and lobbies for laws that would allow a mentally competent patient to be euthanized with he help of a doctor. Along with this law certain safeguards should be in place such as; a diagnoses of a terminal or irreversible illness by two independent physicians, an evaluation by a mental health professional, a written and witnessed request that is revocable at any time, a waiting period, and monitoring by a state health department. The American Medical Association strictly opposes the use of euthanasia. The AMA supports initiatives that help physicians and their patients deal with the clinical and psychological issues at the end-of-life. (8) They support providing compassionate care for patients nearing death. While modern advances in medical science and technology have helped physicians to treat patients with once critical and life-threatening illnesses, some of these new technologies have merely prolonged the suffering for patients. The AMA still maintains that physicians should practice medicine with respectful and compassionate attitudes. One pro-life group called Not Dead Yet, understands that people have the right to refuse unwanted treatment. They oppose a public policy that singles out individuals for legalized killing based on their health status. (9) They believe that this violates the Americans With Disabilities Act, which denies the equal protection of the law, and health professionals decide who is eligible. Not Dead Yet does not want pity or lethal mercy but freedom and life. CURE is another pro-life group. Their reasons are for compassion and unity. People of CURE believe that to care is not to kill. (10) They believe there is an alternative to death and euthanasia which is life and hope. Uniting together will bring strength and a prolonged life. The International Task Force of Euthanasia Assisted Suicide also opposes euthanasia. One of their reasons is complications that can occur from usage. Extreme gasping and muscle spasms can occur and has occurred in 7% of cases. While losing consciousness, a person can vomit and then inhale the vomit which has also occurred in 7% of cases. Panic, feelings of terror, and assaultive behavior can take place from the drug-induced confusion. Other problems can include difficulty in taking the drug and a number of days elapsing before death occurs. In 14% of cases there was a failure of the drugs to induce unconsciousness. Another reason why they are anti-euthanasia is because they dont believe the government should give the right to doctors to kill their patients. They believe that euthanasia is not giving the right to die but the right to kill. There are other alternatives like Hospice which tries to make the patients remaining time comfortable, alleviating pains, and giving spiritual and emotional support. Dr. Jack Kevorkian, a 71 year old retired pathologist, is known to many as the patriarch of assisted suicide. He is currently serving a sentence of 10-25 in a Michigan correctional facility for his involvement in helping at least 130 people die from euthanasia. He was charged for murder in both 1991 and 1992 when patients of his used a suicide machine he developed, and his medical licence was revoked. Both charges were later dropped though when state judges pointed out that there were no laws against assisted suicide in the state of Michigan. It wasnt until 1993 when assisted suicide laws took effect, and Kevorkian, who had killed several more patients by this time, was charged again for murder. He served some jail time when he refused to pay the bail after the judge raised it. He was released from jail though later that year when supporters posted the bail. Between 1994 and 1996, Kevorkian killed some thirty more patients, and is charged for murder three more times. He is acquitted for these cases as well. In 1998, Kevorkian videotaped the injection death of Thomas Youk which aired two months later on 60 Minutes. He is again charged for murder, and in 1999 is convicted for second-degree murder and delivery of a controlled substance. Dr. Kevorkian remains one of the most controversial physicians in America today. He has been hailed by some as a hero and by others, little more than a serial killer. I believe that the legalization of euthanasia would be a good thing for America. An individuals right to determine the time and manner of their death is more important than keeping a suffering person alive for the sake of preserving life. I understand that the legalization of euthanasia will most likely lead to an excuse for many people who are not terminally to end their own lives. But I do believe that an evaluation by a mental health professional for those suspected to have clinical depression or mental incompetence can help prevent most of this. There are many good points and bad points to the legalization of assisted suicide like any controversial issue. I understand it to be a good thing though if a person truly is suffering and has no hopeful prospects for the future.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Cyber Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Cyber Law - Essay Example Jurisdiction refers to the power and authority of a government to adjudicate, legislate and enforce its laws it is bound by territorial confines (does not outspread beyond the territory) (Singh, 2010). At one given time, the first questions that courts consider when a case is brought forward is whether they have the mandate to hear the case and whether they are the most appropriate courts for to hear the case.  If a court does not have jurisdiction over a matter, then the court is regarded as incompetent to adjudicate the matter and if it hears and make a decision over the matter, then the ruling made by the court would be quashed and termed as null and void (Chander, 2010). In this era of internet, worries of sovereignty and jurisdiction have rapidly come to the fore because internet does not make jurisdictional and geographical boundaries clear (Sherry, 2013). Therefore, for the above explained situation, the transaction may involve application of at least two jurisdictions name ly 1) the laws of the state/nation in which the user resides, the laws of the state/nation that apply where the server hosting the transaction is located (owner of Widget product). The law of the state/nation which applies to a person or business with whom a transaction takes place may also apply as the third law (Sherry, 2013). For the case of the user in California, Federal Statues should apply since they are the supreme laws on the US soil and they overrule any opposing USA constituent state’s statues.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Gap analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Gap analysis - Essay Example Proficiency in communication as an art can be learned depending upon motivations and goals (Littlejohn & Foss, 2008). The advent of information technology with electronic means of communication modernized even its learning process traversing what once were limitations in terms of culture, space and ethics (Littlejohn & Foss, 2008). Sociopsychologist, Cybernetics, and Sociocultural groups may slightly vary in interest, rights, and values in the aspects of communication as well as it motivations, but, bottom-line is the crossover between and among communicators (Littlejohn & Foss, 2008). Being proactive makes an efficient manager bringing about flexibility and the ability to make appropriate responses (Harrell, 2003). Being polite brings about respect, trust and honesty, a mark in trade that can be a lasting legacy (Harrell, 2003). With the advent of Information technology coupled with electronic communication means what is left as the gap facing global communications seems to be the priceless possession which is attitude (Harrell, 2003). It is the individual resolve to prosper as overall attitude determines the quality of life one may live (Harrell, 2003). The gap facing global communication is gradually easing up. Thanks to the contributions of Information technology and its latest electronic communication art.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Week 8 dq Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Week 8 dq - Essay Example Honestly making my decision on elective abortion, I would argue that the fetus has life just like other people. Some of the personal principles that makes my professional life successful include; self-motivation, humility, loyalty, confidence and professionalism. In this regard, professionalism as my value is based on the basis that it is significant to value professional behavior all the time at work place. This kind of behavior incorporate things like speaking and dressing to maintain my image since I take pride in my behavior and appearance. Having professional behavior helps complete high quality projects and act as role model to others. Humility is another value that I have embraced and encouraged at work place and has assisted me in the objective of crating trustful, cohesive and amalgamated work force where each one of us have had the humility of accepting and learning from our failures and attaining empowerment that is needed in exploring the next opportunity. The other value is self-confidence in that I cannot be afraid to ask questions on areas that need more knowledge and the desire I have to inspire others. Lastly, there is self-motivation in that I require little or no supervision and direction to get back to my work. For instance, at work place, I encouraged employee’s feedback and provided them with an opportunity to be in charge in their areas of speculation. There is this moral issue regarding right to life. For example, in popular culture, the "fact" that people have rights is assumed as a given. Arguing from subjective perspective, this is up for grabs. The existence of a human right must be described and justified with concrete evidence. Historically, our idea of "human rights" developed from the idea that humans are composite substances, made up of a body and soul (mind) union. This theory that human nature is made of two substances is one application of
Friday, November 15, 2019
Challenges in Workplace Communication
Challenges in Workplace Communication Anjeshni 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The main purpose of this report writing is to find out about communication and communication challenges that are faced by different people in their workplace. Our major focuses was on business house based in South Auckland. This was made possible by conducting interviews on three different people working for different companies and doing various research. After completion of this research it was easier to know how communication challenges are faced by people in their workplace and how problem can be solved. To start off on our research a request letter for interview was send to three different people working for three different business. This was done to find out communication challenges and strategic that are faced by people in their workplace. Time and date was set for an interview with them and interview was conducted with a set of questionnaire in relation to communication challenges at their respective workplace. The three different people that interview was conducted were Mrs Bikashni Prakash, Mr Romit Prakash and Ms Nicky. After the completion of interview thanks giving email were send to each one of them for giving their precious time and related information regarding communication challenges in their workplace. According to interview the most common communication barrier that was found in workplace were language barriers. As my interview environment was a supermarket and many customers that come in supermarket were of different races and not all of them know English. Some of the customers are from India and they speak Punjabi language so it becomes hard sometimes to communicate with them. The final step was to prepare report based on communication challenges and barriers that are faced at different workplaces with different people. Since communication is a vital part of any business it must be understand well by people a single breakdown in communication can lead to a big problem for a business. It is important for every individual in a business to know how to faced challenges. Table of Contents (Jump to) 2.0 INTRODUCTION 2.1 COMUNICATION 2.1.1 Types of Communication 2.1.2 Advantages of Communication 2.1.3 Disadvantage of Communication 2.1.4 Communication Barriers 2.2 TERMS OF REFERENCE 2.3 OBJECTIVES 2.4 METHODOLOGY 3.0 FINDINGS 3.1 Candidate 1 Background 3.1.1 Communication Problems and Effect on Workplace 3.1.2 Outcomes towards Communication Problems 3.2 Candidate 2 – Background 3.2.1 Communication Problems and Effect on Workplaces 3.2.2 Outcomes towards Communication Problem 3.3 Candidate 3 – Background 3.3.1 Communication Problems and Effect on Workplaces 3.3.2 Outcomes towards Communication Problem 4.0 CONCLUSION 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 6.0 APPENDICES 2.0 INTRODUCTION 2.1 COMUNICATION Communication is transferring information from one place to another. Communication is a simple definition but how we communicates becomes a lot more complex. Proper communication leads to understanding of a situation. If there is a communication breakdown misunderstanding occurs which leads to problem in a business. The theory of a communication states that communication involves both sender and receiver passing information through communication channel. Communication channel is a way in which we communicate. It is important for a business to choose a proper communication channel since it has different strength and different weakness. Communication are always complex and it is a two way process. Communication in a business can be of two type internal and external. Internal communication occurs within a company among employees, between employers, supervisors and workers. External communication happens outside the company it mostly occurs between customer or clients, suppliers, governm ent department e.g. bank, IRD and with other companies and stakeholders. Therefore it is a must to have better understanding of a communication and its process. 2.1.1 Types of Communication Verbal communication that is spoken face to face or through telephone. Non-verbal communication it is how we present ourselves through body language. Written Communication through letters, emails, internet and media. Visualizations – graphics, charts, maps and logo. Five main purpose of communication are to inform, persuade, create goodwill instruct and to inspire. 2.1.2 Advantages of Communication It helps people manage and maintain organisational operations. Communication happens in may form and it is different means for different situation. Communication is used to become familiar which leads to friendship. This is good for company since it helps workers to work together by knowing each other’s strength and weakness. But sometimes this cause distraction workers spending time chatting which affects the production. 2.1.3 Disadvantage of Communication Conflict is the main problem by the use of communication employees may disagree and argue with each other and management on a situation. It can cause tension and can affect the production. Conflict happens in a company due to workers demand not met and misunderstanding between and among workers. 2.1.4 Communication Barriers â€Å"Communication barriers is anything that gets in the way of clear communication between sender and receiver.†(Sandra 2006). Barriers are the main cause of communication breakdown. There are different type of communication barriers. Physical Barriers this happens in many different forms. It can cause by phone, internet, communication distance and physical objects in the way of a sender and receiver. Other physical barriers which cause communication breakdown can be tiredness which cause difficult in concentrate. Hearing, sight and speech problem also environment problem that is how when and why we communicate. Lack of non-verbal information. Technology or medium that is what we used to communicate e.g. phone call or txt. Technical problem sometimes happen when phone line is not clear or network is down. Grammar, spelling punctuation and sentence structure it distracted attention from message. Also due to lack of visual clues in the telephone conversation when don’t know the age or what’s the other person state of mind or expression. Emotional barriers this takes place when we are upset, worried or sad and can miss what others are responding. Anger, embarrassment and fear are strong emotion which affects the communication. Often people don’t express their emotion because sometimes it makes others uncomfortable. Not expressing emotion is a barrier because it inhibits the development of relationships, trust and open communication. Defensive, negative or overly assertive also affects means we don’t pay attention to suggestion for improvement or by breaking others trust and be too self-confident and unaware of others needs and rights. Language based barriers this is most common. The main factor is not knowing the language. Since New Zealand in a country of multi race different people all over the world lives here and everyone doesn’t know others language so it becomes hard to communicate with them. The influence of one language to another some words in some languages look much alike but it has different mean in different language. The way we pronounce words and using idioms i.e. unusual or non-literal meaning we give to words that are in common usages this leads to misunderstanding. Different abilities with language due to education. Tone the way words are said and by using jargon technical terms. Psychological barriers this happens due to religion, politics and valves what an individual beliefs. Personality is the nature and character of individual and the experience. Lack of confidence and feedback that we don’t receive and attitude to communication or style e.g. some people are better in speech then writing. Gender and Culture major issues in communication. Gender is the differences between men and women their listen differently. Men listen for information and know what to do next whereas women listen for feelings and empathise. Women concentrate on relationship while men focuses on tasks. Culture has many influence and impact on communication due to difference in traditions and behaviours the way we met and greet with others. Understanding culture difference is important in business. Technology there are many benefit of technology such as texting on mobile, sending email using PowerPoint for presentation and internet for research but still there are effects of this on communication due to lack of feedback since technology is not available to everyone. 2.2 TERMS OF REFERENCE This assignment was given to us by our Business Communication tutor Mrs Sheetal Singh. This is part of our Business Communication 520 paper. The due date of this project is on Friday week 12. Interview was conducted with three different people working for three different organisation in order to find out communication challenges faced by them at their workplaces. 2.3 OBJECTIVES The main objectives of this assignment was to find out communication challenges that is faced by different people at their workplace in New Zealand. During this research it was also found out how communication barriers affect work of an individual and to find out how to overcome those problem in a workplace. 2.4 METHODOLOGY The method used in completing this assignment is by doing interview of three individual working for different organisation. Also assignment as completed by doing internet and text book research. 3.0 FINDINGS 3.1 Candidate 1 Background My first candidate was Mrs Bikashni Prakash. She works for Food for Less Supermarket as a Checkout Supervisor located at 64 Atkinson Avenue Otahuhu. For the past nine years she has been employed in this company and has been living in New Zealand for more than eleven years now. She is an Indo Fijian and speaks Fiji Hindi and English. There are roughly 30 employees working for Food for Less and age group of employees are from 20 – 50 years. Her duties includes managing checkout, doing customer service, dealing with customers and suppliers. During her work experience she has faced many problems regarding communication challenges and barriers. 3.1.1 Communication Problems and Effect on Workplace The main communication challenges faced by Mrs Bikashni Prakash in her workplaces were language barriers since she is working for a supermarket and many of the customers that comes in a supermarket are Indians from Fiji and India. They are from many different cultures and races. It is sometimes difficult to communicate with these customers because of the language since some Punjabi customers don’t know English and their Hindi is quite different from Fiji Hindi. 3.1.2 Outcomes towards Communication Problems Her problem was solved by one of the staff who is Punjabi she seek help from her understanding what the customer was saying. She mostly spend her time with her workmates to know about different language, socialise with different people. If she is not sure about something she always ask for feedback from her workmates and by listening properly to what customers are saying. 3.2 Candidate 2 – Background Mr Romit Prakash is a Director of Globex Importers and Exporters which is located at Atkinson Avenue Otahuhu and has been living in New Zealand for more than 15 years. Mr Prakash started his company five years ago. He is an Indo Fijian and his main language is English and Fiji Hindi. There are roughly 15 workers working for him and their age groups are between 20 to 40 years. His responsibility include managing overall company checking all the packing and delivery of items are done properly and on time, dealing with clients and suppliers. 3.2.1 Communication Problems and Effect on Workplaces The main communication challenges faced by Mr Prakash in his company were gender and culture barriers. People working in his company are from different races who are Indo Fijian and islanders. They have different cultural behaviour and the way sometimes the workers speak makes it hard for understanding. They tend to speak their own language and not adapt to others. Gender barriers also happen in Globex since both male and female works here. Other barriers that affect operation of Globex are language and technology problem. Since nowadays everything is done by machines but sometimes due to breakdown of machines lead to delay in packing and production. Language barriers also affect his workplace since all his staff are always talking in their mother tongue language affecting others as not all are able to understand. This tend to make other staffs think that they might be talk against them so discrimination becomes a factor from here amongst the workers. 3.2.2 Outcomes towards Communication Problem He resolved this communication barriers by letting his staff spending some time together during breaks to know about each other culture and language. To overcome gender issues in his workplace he divided different sections of packing room to males and females so that packing was done amongst and no time was wasted. Since male workers were able to lift heavy boxes for loading and offloading whereas females were doing packing, sealing and labelling of products dividing work equally To minimise challenges related to technology issues, it was a rule that no mobile phones were to be used during working hours. All mobiles had to be put in locker so that staff can concentrate on their work instead of diverting their mind elsewhere. And another solution he tried to implement was by regularly servicing of machines and having spare ones so that if one breakdowns other one is available and work wouldn’t stop. 3.3 Candidate 3 – Background Ms Nicky is a Manager at Super valve which is located at 29 -33 Hall Avenue Otahuhu and has been employed for 6years now. She is from India and has been living in New Zealand for almost 15 years. Her responsibility includes managing checkout operations, general running operations of the supermarket, dealing with staff’s relation matter, dealing with customers and supplies complaint. They are roughly about 30 staffs working for Super Valve and most of them are Punjabis from India. Few Islanders and Indo Fijian are also working whose age groups range from 20 to 50 years. 3.3.1 Communication Problems and Effect on Workplaces The main communication problems faced by Ms Nicky at Super valve is culture and language barriers. It is a multi-racial supermarket and it has different races of customers. Some are Islanders, Indians from Fiji and India, Kiwi and Europeans. Sometimes aged customers come to shop who are not able to speak English and communication problems arises there. Culture barriers are also happening since workers working are from different races. Technology barriers also occur sometimes as well as emotional barriers this happens when a checkout operator or customer service personal are upset or having some personal problem it directly affected their work in terms of not smiling to customers and talking to them. 3.3.2 Outcomes towards Communication Problem She tried hard to overcome this problem by letting staff spending sometimes together, socialising to know each other culture and language. Ms Nicky always tried to have back up system available in case of technology or machine breakdown. Counselling are also affordable so that sometimes if management feels that any workers are in some types of problem, trainings are provide of how to serve customers and be friendly to them. All this relates to having small workshops within the company 4.0 CONCLUSION To conclude this research communication challenges that are faced by people at their workplace are basically the same. The major communication barriers that people face are language barriers. Other barriers that are found in workplace are culture and gender barriers, technology and physical barriers. Language barriers are the most common barriers in my research with responding with all the candidates facing communication challenges at their workplace. This can happen between co-workers or with customers. Technology barriers takes place since not everyone’s educated and don’t have access to technology or may lack the confidence, experience and knowledge to use them e.g. in most supermarket EFTPOS machine are available but some customers don’t have the knowledge as to how to swipe the card or what function to use for which account. Culture and gender barriers this takes place because New Zealand is a multicultural country and everyone should have equal right. It is very much important to understand and respect each other cultures and races. Physical barriers takes place due breakdown of communication channel or not getting full and proper information. The impact of communication channels and barriers on workplace blocks understanding of messages in many different ways which affects both sender and receiver. Aware of barriers can help to avoid communication breakdown and less effect on communication problems. Secondly barriers can cause organisation to business, customers and reputation. Not proper communication can cause communication gaps and bring misunderstanding in an organisation. Lastly, employees should understand each other and their culture which can help to prevent arguments and fights and people using slangs language often can be offensive and can lead to affect others workers in particular workplace and customers. 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS After compelling all the information gathered through interviews and research some of the recommendations that can be made to prevent communication barriers at workplace. Most of general communication barriers can be overcome with knowledge, sensitivity by understanding theory and monitoring your behaviour. Instead of using technology for communication in some case communicate face to face. Socialization of workers with each other should be done to learn about different language and others culture. Try to use body gestures if possible in communication if other parties can’t understand your language. By acting ethically, openly and honestly which can bring positive communication. â€Å"Treating others as you wish to be treated yourself ’’ (Sandra etal 2006). By increasing awareness we can help to elimate effects of emotionality. Try to being sensitive to one’s mood aware of how that might influence others before communication an important message. By creating an atmosphere where emotions will not come as a barrier and by giving constructive feedbacks. Pay attention what others are saying try to listen carefully. Communication should not take place under mental stress and by using appropriate language which is suitable for recipient. By developing good communications, skills can overcome the communication barriers by understanding the basic of communication skills knowing what communication really is. By having courage to say what you think be confident and doing practice to developed advanced communication skills. By engaging your audience by making eye contact, gestures and avoid sending mixed message. By using body language beware of what your body is saying and by development effective listening skills. When using verbal always try to speak clearly. 6.0 APPENDICES 3 Interview Letters 3 copies of emails 3 questionnaires
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
The Golden Lily Chapter 7
I SPENT MOST OF THE NEXT DAY wrestling with my refusal to help Sonya, ruminating over the decision as I went from class to class. There was a part of me that felt bad about not giving blood for the experiments. After all, I knew what they were doing was useful. If there was a way to protect Moroi from becoming Strigoi, then that could theoretically be applied to humans too. That could revolutionize the way the Alchemists operated. People like that creepy guy Liam being held at the bunker would no longer be a threat. He could be â€Å"sterilized†and released, with no fear of him falling prey to the corruption of Strigoi. I knew also that Sonya and the others were running into walls with their research. They couldn't find any reason for what had made Lee impervious to turning Strigoi. At the same time, despite the worthiness of the cause, I still felt staunchly opposed to giving up my own blood. I really was afraid that doing so would subject me to more and more experiments. And I just couldn't face that. There was nothing special about me. I hadn't undergone a massive transformation via spirit. Lee and I hadn't had anything in common. I was the same as any other human, any other Alchemist. I just apparently had bad tasting blood, which was fine by me. â€Å"Tell me about the charm spell,†Ms. Terwilliger said one afternoon. It was a few days after Clarence's, and I was still mulling over those events even while ostensibly doing work in her independent study. I looked up from the book in front of me. â€Å"Which variant? The charisma one or the meta one?†She was sitting at her desk and smiled at me. â€Å"For someone so against all of this, you certainly learn well. The meta one.†That had been a recent spell I'd had to learn. It was fresh in my mind, but I made sure to sigh heavily and let her know in a passive aggressive way how inconvenient this was for me. â€Å"It allows the caster to have short-term control of someone. The caster has to create a physical amulet that he or she wears†¦Ã¢â‚¬ I frowned as I considered that part of the spell. â€Å"And then recite a short incantation on the person being controlled.†Ms. Terwilliger pushed her glasses up her nose. â€Å"Why the hesitation?†She noticed every slip. I didn't want to engage in this, but she was my teacher, and this was part of my assignment so long as I was stuck in this miserable session. â€Å"It doesn't make sense. Well, none of it makes sense, of course. But logically, I'd think you need something tangible to use on the vict – subject. Maybe they'd have to wear an amulet. Or drink something. It's hard for me to believe the caster is the only one who needs enhancement. I feel like they would need to connect with the subject.†â€Å"You touched on the key word,†she said. â€Å"‘Enhancement.' The amulet enhances the spell caster's will, as does the incantation. If that's been done correctly – and the caster is advanced and strong enough – that'll push the power of command on to the subject. Perhaps it doesn't seem tangible, but the mind is a powerful tool.†â€Å"Power of command,†I muttered. Without thinking about it, I made the Alchemist sign against evil. â€Å"That doesn't seem right.†â€Å"Is it any different from the kind of compulsion your vampire friends do?†I froze. Ms. Terwilliger had long since admitted to knowing about the world of Moroi and Strigoi, but it was still a topic I avoided with her. My tattoo's magic wouldn't stop me from discussing the vampire world with those who knew about it, but I didn't want to accidentally reveal any details about my specific mission with Jill. Nonetheless, her words were startling. This spell was very much like compulsion, very much like what I'd seen Sonya do to soothe Clarence. Vampires could simply wield it unaided. This spell required a physical component, but Ms. Terwilliger had told me that was normal for humans. She said magic was inborn for Moroi but that we had to wrest it from the world. To me, that just seemed like more reason why humans had no business dabbling in such affairs. â€Å"What they do isn't right either,†I said, in a rare acknowledgment of the Moroi with her. I didn't like that the abilities I found so twisted and wrong were allegedly within human reach too. â€Å"No one should have that kind of power over another.†Her lips quirked. â€Å"You're very haughty about something you have no experience with.†â€Å"You don't always need experience. I've never killed anyone, but I know murder is wrong.†â€Å"Don't discount these spells. They could be a useful defense,†she said with a shrug. â€Å"Perhaps it depends on who's using it – much like a gun or other weapon.†I grimaced. â€Å"I don't really like guns either.†â€Å"Then you may find magical means to be a better option.†She made a small, graceful motion with her hands, and a clay pot on the windowsill suddenly exploded. Sharp fragments fell to the floor. I jumped out of my desk and backed up a few feet. Was that something she'd been able to do this whole time? It had seemed effortless. What kind of damage could she do if she really tried? She smiled. â€Å"See? Very efficient.†Efficient and simple, as easy as a vampire wielding elemental magic with a thought. After all the painstaking spells I'd seen in these books, I was stunned to see such â€Å"easy†magic. It kicked what Ms. Terwilliger had been advocating up to a whole new – and dangerous – level. My whole body tensed as I waited for some other horrific act, but judging from the serene look on her face, that was the only show of power she had in mind – for now. Feeling a little foolish at my reaction, I sat back down. I took a deep breath and chose my words carefully, keeping my anger – and fear – pushed down. It wouldn't do to have an outburst in front of a teacher. â€Å"Ma'am, why do you keep doing this?†Ms. Terwilliger tilted her head like a bird. â€Å"Doing what, dear?†â€Å"This.†I jabbed the book in front of me. â€Å"Why do you keep making me work on this against my will? I hate this, and you know it. I don't want anything to do with it! Why do you want me to learn it at all? What do you get out of it? Is there some witch club where you get a finder's fee if you bring in a new recruit?†That quirky smile of hers returned. â€Å"We prefer the term coven, not witch club. Though that does have a nice ring. But, to answer your question, I don't get anything out of it – at least, not in the way you're thinking. My coven can always use strong members, and you have the potential for greatness. It's bigger than that, however. Your perennial argument is that it's wrong for humans to have this kind of power, right?†â€Å"Right,†I said through gritted teeth. I'd made that argument a million times. â€Å"Well, that's absolutely true – for some humans. You worry this power will be abused? You're right. It happens all the time, which is why we need good, moral people who can counter those who would use the magic for selfish and nefarious reasons.†The bell rang, freeing me. I stood up and gathered my things together. â€Å"Sorry, Ms. Terwilliger. I'm flattered that you think I'm such an upstanding person, but I'm already caught up in one epic battle of good versus evil. I don't need another.†I left our session feeling both troubled and angry and hoped the next two months of this semester would speed by. If this Alchemist mission continued into next year, then creative writing or some other elective would become a very viable choice for my schedule. It was a shame too because I'd really loved Ms. Terwilliger when I first met her. She was brilliant and knew her subject area – history, not magic – and had encouraged me in that. If she'd shown the same enthusiasm for teaching me history as she did magic, we wouldn't have ended up in this mess. My dinners were usually spent with Julia and Kristin or â€Å"the family.†Tonight was a family night. I found Eddie and Angeline already at a table when I entered East's cafeteria, and as usual, he seemed grateful for my presence. â€Å"Well, why not?†Angeline was saying as I sat down with my tray. It was Chinese food night, and she held chopsticks, which seemed like a bad idea. I'd tried to teach her how to use them once, with no luck. She'd gotten angry and stabbed an eggroll so hard that the sticks had broken. â€Å"I just†¦ well, it's not my thing,†Eddie said, clearly groping for an answer to whatever her question was about. â€Å"I'm not going at all. With anyone.†â€Å"Jill will be there with Micah,†pointed out Angeline slyly. â€Å"Won't you need to come keep an eye on her since it's not at the school?†Eddie's answer was a pained look. â€Å"What are you talking about?†I finally asked. â€Å"The Halloween Dance,†said Angeline. That was news to me. â€Å"There's a Halloween Dance?†Eddie dragged himself from his misery to give me a surprised look. â€Å"How do you not know? There are signs everywhere.†I stirred around my steamed vegetables. â€Å"They must not be anywhere I've been.†Eddie gestured with his fork to something behind me. Turning, I looked back toward the food line I'd just been in. There, hanging above it on the wall, was an enormous banner that read HALLOWEEN DANCE. It listed the date and time and was decorated with badly drawn pumpkins. â€Å"Huh,†I said. â€Å"How can you memorize entire books but miss something like that?†asked Angeline. â€Å"Because Sydney's brain only records ‘useful' information,†Eddie said with a smile. I didn't deny it. â€Å"Don't you think Eddie should go?†pushed Angeline. â€Å"He needs to watch out for Jill. And if he goes, we might as well go together.†Eddie shot me a desperate look, and I tried to find him a way out of this. â€Å"Well, yeah, of course he'll go†¦ especially if it's off-site.†The banner mentioned some venue I'd never heard of. We'd seen no sign of the Moroi who were after Jill, but an unknown place presented new dangers. Inspiration hit. â€Å"But that's the thing. He'll be on-duty. He'll spend the whole time checking the place out, watching for mysterious people. It'd be a waste for him to, uh, go with you. You probably wouldn't have much fun. Better to go with someone else.†â€Å"But I should be protecting Jill too,†she argued. â€Å"Isn't that why I'm here? I need to learn what to do.†â€Å"Well, yeah,†he said, obviously trapped by her logic. â€Å"You'll have to go with me in order to look after her.†Angeline brightened. â€Å"Really? Then we can go together!†Eddie's look of pain returned. â€Å"No. We're going together. Not together.†Angeline didn't seem to be fazed by the nuances. â€Å"I've never been to a dance,†she admitted. â€Å"Well, I mean, back home, we have them all the time. But I don't think they'll be like the ones here.†That I agreed with. I'd seen the types of social events the Keepers had. They involved raucous music and dancing around bonfires, along with some kind of toxic homemade alcohol that probably even Adrian wouldn't touch. The Keepers also didn't think a social event was a success if at least one fight didn't break out. It was actually kind of amazing that Angeline hadn't gotten into one yet here at Amberwood. I should have counted myself lucky that her only transgressions were dress code violations and talking back to teachers. â€Å"Probably not,†I said neutrally. â€Å"I don't know. I've never been to a dance either.†â€Å"You're going to this one, aren't you?†asked Eddie. â€Å"With Brody?†â€Å"Brayden. And I don't know. We haven't even had our second date. I don't want things to move too fast.†â€Å"Right,†Eddie said. â€Å"Because there's no bigger sign of commitment than a Halloween dance.†I was about to get him back by suggesting maybe he and Angeline should go together after all when Jill and Micah joined us. Both were laughing and had a hard time settling down to explain what was so funny. â€Å"Janna Hall finished a men's suit in sewing club tonight,†said Jill between giggles. Once again, I felt a rush of joy at seeing her so happy. â€Å"Miss Yamani said it's the only guy's outfit she's seen in there in five years. Of course, Janna needed a model, and there's only one guy in there†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Micah attempted a tormented look but was quickly smiling again. â€Å"Yeah, yeah. I did the manly thing and stepped up. That suit was awful.†â€Å"Aw,†said Jill. â€Å"It wasn't that awful – okay, it really was. Janna didn't try to go by any size guidelines, so the pants were huge. Like, tents. And since she didn't make any belt loops, he had to hold it all up with a sash.†â€Å"Which barely held when they made me do a runway walk,†said Micah, shaking his head. Jill gave him a playful nudge. â€Å"Everyone probably would've loved if it hadn't held.†â€Å"Remind me to never ever sign up for an all-girls club again,†said Micah. â€Å"Next semester, I'm taking something like shop or karate.†â€Å"You won't do it again? Not even for me?†Jill managed a look that was amazingly both pouty and alluring. That, I realized, was more effective than any charm spell or compulsion. Micah groaned. â€Å"I'm helpless.†I didn't consider myself particularly sentimental – and still disapproved of their timid romance – but even I smiled at their antics. At least, I did until I caught sight of Eddie's face. He wasn't giving away much, to be fair. Maybe hanging around Dimitri had provided some tips on the guardian poker face. But Eddie wasn't Dimitri yet, and I could see the faintest signs of pain and longing. Why did he do this to himself? He'd refused to tell Jill how he felt. He took the noble stance that he was her protector and nothing more. Some part of me could understand that. What I couldn't understand was why he kept torturing himself by endorsing her going out with his roommate, of all people. Even with his hang-up over Micah and Mason, Eddie was forcing himself to constantly watch the girl he wanted with someone else. I had no relatable experience, but it had to be agonizing. Eddie caught my eye and gave a small shake of his head. Let it go, he seemed to be saying. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. Angeline soon piped in with more talk about the dance, interrogating Jill and Micah about whether they'd be going. She also brought up her plans to go â€Å"with†Eddie. That pulled him out of his melancholy mood, and although I knew she annoyed him, I wondered if that was better than continually being tormented by Jill and Micah's relationship. Of course, the conversation came to a halt – as did Eddie's problem – when Micah frowned and pointed out what the rest of us had missed. â€Å"Why would you go to the dance together? Aren't you guys cousins?†Eddie, Jill, and I froze. Another cover story mess-up. I couldn't believe this had now slipped past me twice. I should have mentioned this as soon as Angeline brought up the dance. In the school's eyes, we were all related. â€Å"So?†asked Angeline, missing the point. Eddie cleared his throat. â€Å"Um, third cousins. But still. We're not really going together. It's more of a joke.†That effectively killed the topic, and he couldn't help smiling triumphantly. Brayden picked me up immediately after school the next day so that we could make the windmill tour on time. Ms. Terwilliger had even let me go a few minutes early, after promising I'd get her a cappuccino on our way back to Amberwood. I was excited to see Brayden and the tour, yet as I got into his car, I felt a brief pang of doubt. Did I have any business doing these sorts of fun, personal activities? Especially now that the cover story had slipped a couple of times. Maybe I was spending too much time on me and not enough on the mission. Brayden had lots to tell me about the debate competition he'd attended over the weekend. We analyzed some of the more difficult topics he'd come across and laughed at the easy ones that had stumped the opposing team. I'd feared dating for years but was again pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to talk to him. It was a lot like the Shakespearean outing: an endless source of topics that we both knew lots about. It was the rest of the experience that still left me unsettled – the â€Å"date†stuff. The dating books I'd read since our last outing mostly advised on when to have sex, which was completely useless since I had yet to figure out holding hands. The giant windmills were pretty impressive. They didn't have the sleek beauty of cars that I loved, but I felt the same awe at the engineering they represented. Some of the windmills were over a hundred feet tall, with blades half the size of a football field. Moments like these made me marvel at human ingenuity. Who needed magic when we could create these kinds of wonders? Our tour guide was a cheery girl in her mid-twenties who clearly loved her job and all that wind energy represented. She knew all sorts of trivia about it – but not quite enough to satisfy Brayden. â€Å"How do you address the energy inefficiency that comes from the turbines needing wind speeds that fall into such a narrow range?†Then: â€Å"What's your response to studies showing that simply improving the filters in the conversion of fossil fuels would result in less carbon dioxide emissions than this sort of energy production?†And later: â€Å"Can wind power really be treated as a viable option when – after considering the cost of construction and other maintenance – consumers end up paying more than they would for traditional forms of electricity?†I couldn't be certain, but I think our guide wrapped up the tour early. She encouraged some of the other tourists to come back anytime but said nothing as Brayden and I walked past her. â€Å"That woman was sadly uninformed,†he told me, once we were back on the highway. â€Å"She knew plenty about the windmills and their facility,†I pointed out. â€Å"I'm guessing the latest controversies just don't get brought up much on these tours. Or,†I paused, smiling, â€Å"how to deal with, um, forceful tourists.†â€Å"I was forceful?†he asked, seeming legitimately surprised. He had gotten so caught up in his ideas that he didn't even realize it. It was endearing. I tried not to laugh. â€Å"You came on strong, that's all. I don't think they were prepared for someone like you.†â€Å"They should be. Wind power's got promise, true, but for now, there are all sorts of expenses and efficiency problems that need to be addressed. It's useless otherwise.†I sat there for several moments, trying to decide how best I should respond. None of the advice I'd gotten from the books or my friends really prepared me for how to handle discussions about alternative energy sources. One of the books – one I'd chosen not to finish – had a decidedly male-centric view that said women should always make men feel important on dates. I suspected that Kristin and Julia's advice right now would have been to laugh and toss my hair – and not let the discussion progress. But I just couldn't do that. â€Å"You're wrong,†I said. Brayden – who was a big advocate of safe driving – actually took his eyes off the road for a few seconds to stare at me. â€Å"What did you say?†Aside from learning that he had a vast store of extensive and random knowledge like I did, I'd also picked up on something else central to Brayden's personality. He didn't like to be wrong. This was no surprise. I didn't either, and we had a lot in common that way. And, from the way he'd discussed school and even his debate competition, I'd also deduced people never told him he was wrong – even if by chance he was. Maybe it wasn't too late to do the hair-tossing thing. Instead, I just rushed on. â€Å"You're wrong. Maybe wind isn't as efficient as it could be, but the fact that it's even being developed is a vast improvement over the outdated, archaic energy sources our society's been dependent on. Expecting it to be as cost-efficient as something that's been around much, much longer is naive.†â€Å"But – â€Å" â€Å"We can't deny that the cost is worth the benefits. Climate change is increasingly becoming a problem, and wind's reduced carbon dioxide emissions could have a significant impact. Furthermore – and most importantly – wind is renewable. It doesn't matter if other sources are cheap if they're going to run out on us.†â€Å"But – â€Å" â€Å"We need to be progressive and look towards what's going to save us later. To focus strictly on what's cost-efficient now – while ignoring the consequences – is short-sighted and will ultimately lead to the downfall of the human race. Those who think otherwise are only perpetuating the problem, unless they can come up with other solutions. Most don't. They just complain. That's why you're wrong.†I paused to catch my breath and then dared a glance at Brayden. He was watching the road, but his eyes were impossibly wide. I don't think he could have been more shocked if I'd slapped him. Immediately, I berated myself for what I'd said. Sydney, why didn't you just bat your eyelashes? â€Å"Brayden?†I asked tentatively when almost a minute passed with no response. More stunned silence met me. Suddenly, without warning, he pulled the car sharply off the highway and onto the shoulder. Dust and gravel kicked up around us. In that moment, I was absolutely certain he was going to demand I get out and walk back to Palm Springs. And we were still miles from the city. Instead, he caught hold of my hands and leaned toward me. â€Å"You,†he said breathlessly. â€Å"Are amazing. Absolutely, positively, exquisitely amazing.†And then he kissed me. I was so surprised, I couldn't even move. My heart raced, but it was more from anxiety than anything else. Was I doing it right? I tried to relax into the kiss, letting my lips part slightly, but my body stayed rigid. Brayden didn't pull back in revulsion, so that was a good sign. I'd never kissed anyone before and had been worrying a lot about what it'd be like. The mechanics of it turned out not to be so difficult. When he did finally pull away, he was smiling. A good sign, I guessed. I smiled back tentatively because I knew it was expected. Honestly, a secret part of me was a little disappointed. That was it? That's what the big deal was? It hadn't been terrible, but it hadn't sent me soaring to new heights either. It had been exactly what it seemed like, lips on lips. With a great sigh of happiness, he turned and began driving again. I could only watch him with wonder and confusion, unable to form any response. What had just happened? That was my first kiss? â€Å"Spencer's, right?†Brayden asked when we exited to downtown shortly thereafter. I was still so baffled by the kiss that it took me a moment to remember I'd promised Ms. Terwilliger a cappuccino. â€Å"Right.†Just before we turned the corner toward the street Spencer's was on, Brayden suddenly made an unexpected stop at a florist shop. â€Å"Be right back,†he said. I nodded wordlessly, and five minutes later, he returned and handed me a large bouquet of delicate, pale pink roses. â€Å"Thank you?†I said, making it more of a question. Now, in addition to the kiss and â€Å"amazing†declaration, I'd somehow earned flowers too. â€Å"They're not adequate,†he admitted. â€Å"In traditional floral symbolism, orange or red would have been more appropriate. But it was either these or some lavender ones, and you just don't seem like a purple person.†â€Å"Thank you,†I said, more firmly this time. As I breathed in the roses' sweet scent on the way to Spencer's, I realized that no one had ever given me flowers before. We reached the coffee shop soon thereafter. I got out of the car, and in a flash, Brayden was right by my side so that he could shut the door for me. We went inside, and I was almost relieved to see Trey working. His teasing would be a nice return to normality, seeing as my life had just detoured into Crazyland. Trey didn't even notice us at first. He was speaking intently to someone on the other side of the counter, a guy a little older than us. The guy's tanned skin, black hair, and similar facial features tipped me off pretty quickly that he and Trey were related. Brayden and I waited discreetly behind the guy, and Trey finally looked up, an astonishingly grim expression on his face that was pretty out of character. He looked surprised when he saw us, but then seemed to relax a little. â€Å"Melbourne, Cartwright. Here for a little post-windmill caffeine?†â€Å"You know I never drink caffeine after four,†said Brayden. â€Å"But Sydney needs something for her teacher.†â€Å"Ah,†said Trey. â€Å"The usual for you and Ms. T?†â€Å"Yeah, but make mine iced this time.†Trey gave me a knowing look. â€Å"Need to cool down a little, huh?†I rolled my eyes. The guy ahead of us was still standing around, and Trey nodded toward him while grabbing two cups. â€Å"This is my cousin Chris. Chris, this is Sydney and Brayden.†This must have been Trey's â€Å"perfect†cousin. At a glance, I saw little that marked him as better than Trey, except maybe his height. Chris was pretty tall. Not Dimitri-tall, but still tall. Otherwise, they both had similar good looks and an athletic build. Chris even had some of the same bruises and scrapes Trey often sported, making me wonder if there was a family connection to sports as well. Regardless, Chris hardly seemed like anyone Trey should be intimidated by, but then, I was biased by our friendship. â€Å"Where are you here from?†I asked. â€Å"San Francisco,†said Chris. â€Å"How long are you in town?†asked Brayden. Chris gave Brayden a wary look. â€Å"Why do you want to know?†Brayden looked surprised, and I didn't blame him. Before either of us could figure out the next move in the small-talk handbook, Trey hurried back over. â€Å"Relax, C. They're just being nice. It's not like they work for some spy agency.†Well, Brayden didn't. â€Å"Sorry,†said Chris, not actually sounding that sorry. That was a difference between the cousins, I realized. Trey would've laughed off his mistake. He never actually would have made the mistake. There were definitely different levels of friendliness in this family. â€Å"A couple weeks.†Neither Brayden nor I dared say anything after that, and mercifully, Chris chose that opportunity to leave, with a promise to call Trey later. When he was gone, Trey shook his head apologetically and set the completed coffees on the counter. I reached for my wallet, but Brayden waved me away and paid. Trey handed Brayden back his change. â€Å"Next week's schedule's already up.†â€Å"It is?†Brayden glanced over at me. â€Å"Mind if I go in the back room for a second? Figuratively, of course.†â€Å"Go ahead,†I said. As soon as he was gone, I turned frantically to Trey. â€Å"I need your help.†Trey's eyebrows rose. â€Å"Words I never thought I'd hear from you.†That made two of us, but I was at a loss, and Trey was my only source of help right now. â€Å"Brayden got me flowers,†I declared. I wasn't going to mention the kiss. â€Å"And?†â€Å"And, why'd he do it?†â€Å"Because he likes you, Melbourne. That's what guys do. They buy dinner and gifts, hoping that in return you'll – um, like them back.†â€Å"But I argued with him,†I hissed, glancing anxiously at the door Brayden had gone through. â€Å"Like, just before he got me the flowers, I gave him this big lecture about how he was wrong about alternative sources of energy.†â€Å"Wait, wait,†said Trey. â€Å"You told†¦ you told Brayden Cartwright he was wrong?†I nodded. â€Å"So why'd he react like he did?†Trey laughed, a big, full laugh that I was certain would draw Brayden back. â€Å"People don't tell him he's wrong.†â€Å"Yeah, I figured.†â€Å"And girls especially don't tell him he's wrong. You're probably the only girl who's ever done it. You're probably the only girl smart enough to do it.†I was getting impatient. â€Å"I get that. So why the flowers? Why the compliments?†Trey shook his head and looked like he was about to start laughing again. â€Å"Melbourne, if you don't know, then I'm not going to tell you.†I was too worried about Brayden returning to comment further on Trey's useless â€Å"advice.†Instead, I said, â€Å"Is Chris the perfect cousin you were talking about?†Trey's smirk faded. â€Å"That's the one. Anything I can do, he can do better.†I immediately regretted asking. Trey, like Adrian, was one of those people I didn't like seeing troubled. â€Å"Well. He didn't seem so perfect to me. Probably I'm biased from being around you all the time. You set the standard for perfection.†That brought Trey's smile back. â€Å"Sorry about his attitude. He's always been like that. Not the most charming branch of the Juarez family tree. That's me, of course.†â€Å"Of course,†I agreed. He was still smiling when Brayden returned, but when I cast a glance backward as I was leaving the coffee shop, Trey's expression had darkened again. His thoughts were turned inward, and I wished I knew how to help. On the drive back to Amberwood, Brayden said shyly, â€Å"Well. Now I know my schedule for the next two weeks.†â€Å"That's†¦ good,†I said. He hesitated. â€Å"So†¦ I know when I can go out again. If, that is, I mean. If you want to go out again.†That would've surprised me, if I wasn't already stumped by everything else that had happened today. Brayden wanted to go out with me again? Why? Girls especially don't tell him he's wrong. You're probably the only girl who's ever done it. You're probably the only girl smart enough to do it. More importantly, did I want to go out with him again? I glanced over at him and then down at the roses. I thought about his eyes when he'd gazed at me in the stopped car. I realized then the odds of me ever finding a guy who thought Shakespeare and wind farms were fun were pretty infinitesimal. â€Å"Okay,†I said. His narrowed his eyes in thought. â€Å"Isn't there some kind of dance your school's having? Do you want to go to that? People go to those, right?†â€Å"That's what I keep hearing. How'd you know about it?†â€Å"The sign,†he said. Then, as if on cue, he pulled into the driveway in front of my dorm. Hanging over the main door was a sign decorated with cobwebs and bats. GET YOUR SCARE ON AT THE HALLOWEEN DANCE. â€Å"Oh,†I said. â€Å"That sign.†Eddie was right. I really did have selective data storage. â€Å"I guess we can go. If you want to.†â€Å"Sure. I mean, if you want to.†Silence. We both laughed. â€Å"Well, then,†I said. â€Å"I guess we're going.†Brayden leaned toward me, and I panicked until I saw that he was trying to get a better look at the sign. â€Å"A week and a half away.†â€Å"Enough time to get costumes, I suppose.†â€Å"I suppose. Although†¦Ã¢â‚¬ And that's when the next crazy thing happened. He held my hand. I admit, I hadn't been expecting much, especially after my mixed reaction to the roadside kiss. Still, as he laid his hand over mine, I was surprised to feel that it was again just like†¦ well, like touching someone's hand. I'd at least thought there might be goose bumps or a little heart fluttering. My biggest emotional reaction was worry over what to do with my hand. Lace fingers? Squeeze his hand back? â€Å"I'd like to go out sooner,†he said. That hesitancy returned. â€Å"If you want to.†I looked down at our hands and tried to figure out how I felt. He had nice hands. Smooth, warm. I could get used to holding those hands. And of course, he smelled like coffee. Was that enough to build love on? Again, that uncertainty nagged me. What right did I have to any of this? I wasn't in Palm Springs for my own entertainment. There was no â€Å"me†in Alchemy. Well, phonetically there was, but that wasn't the point. I knew my superiors wouldn't approve of any of this. And yet, when would I get this chance again? When would I ever get flowers? When would someone look at me with this kind of fervor? I decided to take the plunge. â€Å"Sure,†I said. â€Å"Let's go out again.â€
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Jim Crow Laws Main Problems for Black Americans in the 1920s and 1930s Essay
When the Civil War ended in 1865, Abraham Lincoln proclaimed all men in America – black or white – equal. However, throughout the rest of the nineteenth and much of the twentieth century African-Americans were widely discriminated especially in the Southern states of the country. They faced serious social, economic and political problems and were regarded by most people as the inferior race. Although America was referred to by its president Woodrow Wilson as the â€Å"great melting pot†in 1915 and although it was supposed to be a country where â€Å"all men are created equal†as stated in the Constitution; this certainly was not the case. American society was divided by strict racial hierarchy with the White Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASP) on the very top, other European immigrants in the middle and with blacks descending mainly from slaves on the very bottom. Historians argue why this was and why the desires of some leaders to create a homologous nation really stayed only desires. Some argue that the ethnic minorities faced discrimination in everyday life because it had legal basis in the so called â€Å"Jim Crow†laws, which promoted the â€Å"separate but equal†decision of the Supreme Court from 1896. These laws were introduced in the South to support the separation of the races and basically made the discrimination of Blacks legal. However, others argue that the reason for discrimination lay deeper in the American history and that it rooted from the established racial hierarchy. There were many half-secret organisations that fought for the white supremacy and some historians, such as David M. Chalmers argue that it was the existences of such groups that caused the discrimination against blacks. Some historians also argue that the federal apathy was another important obstacle blacks had to face. This was because of the laissez-faire policy and also because of personal racist views held by the presidents of the era, who wanted (as the rest of American people) to keep power in the hands of the WASP establishment. Some other historians would argue that it was the impact of World War One that deepened the racial problems and others believe that blacks had to deal with discrimination because of the fear of the whites that their social and economic status were under threat. This essay will examine all those possible reasons why black people were treated with hostility in the interwar period and will prove that while the Jim Crow laws were important in justifying this approach; it was in fact the deep-rooted racism that caused all the other factors and led to the savage discrimination of African-Americans. Some historians, such as John A. Kerr argue that the Jim Crow laws were the main cause of the discrimination present in American states. The decision of the Supreme Court in 1896 led to proliferation of these laws throughout the South as Homer Plessy lost his case and the Court found that the laws were not breaking the US Constitution. The Court decided to support the popular â€Å"Separate but Equal†policy, which meant that as long as equal facilities were provided, the segregation of the races wasn? unconstitutional. Seven of the eight justices at the trial favoured this decision and stated that the 14th Amendment to the US constitution was not â€Å"intended to abolish distinctions based upon colour†and that separation of those does not â€Å"necessarily imply the inferiority of either race to the other. †This decision disappointed black people as they knew that it was very unlikely that the states would provide them with equal facilities. As a result of this case states could impose legal punishments on people consorting with members of another race. The most common examples of Jim Crow laws were forbidding intermarriage and ordering business owners and public institutions (schools, offices) to keep their black and white clientele separate. Basically, the discrimination of black Americans was now legal. The only justice that didn? t agree with the court? s decision, John Harlan, summarised it well stating â€Å"the present decision†¦ ill not only stimulate aggressions, more or less brutal and irritating, upon the admitted rights of coloured citizens, but will encourage the belief that it is possible, by means of state enactments, to defeat the beneficial purposes which the people of the United States had in view when they adopted the recent (13th and 14th) amendments of the Constitution. †In addition, even though black people possessed the right to vote, by the year 1902 there was only 3,000 black voters in Alabama as it was one of the states that created impossible qualification tests for black voters. In a state where African-American population was significant with around 900,000 individuals this isn? t surprising and only proves the extent of discrimination and racism present. These ridiculous tests, with questions such as â€Å"How many bubbles are in a bar of soap†denied blacks the opportunity to vote for their politicians and thus decreased the chances of a change of the situation. The Jim Crow laws were clearly a manifestation of the racism present within American culture, but they alone weren? t the reason for the hostility and discrimination towards the blacks. The factor that caused the laws to come into existence and be accepted and followed was the deep-rooted racism and the presumed dominance of the WASPs and this was the main problem African-Americans had to deal with. Many historians would thus argue that the main reason why ethnic minorities and blacks in particular, faced discrimination was the existence of racial hierarchy and deep-rooted racism inherent within the American WASP culture. After the 13th Amendment in 1865 that freed the former black slaves and the 14th and 15th Amendments that provided them with equal rights and suffrage, African-American hoped for a new better beginning. However, the former slave-owners and other WASPs living especially in the south were not willing to undergo such change. The problem wasn? t only with blacks, other ethnic groups different from the white â€Å"acceptable†Americans of northern European origin suffered from discrimination and perceived inferiority as well. Americans wanted to keep their standard of WASP Americanism and were unwilling to accept other cultures as equal. There were many pseudo-scientific findings that were meant to prove this inequality. Joseph Le Conte, an American anthropologist, for example claimed that â€Å"modern ethnologists have thoroughly established the fact that in all essential qualities the Negro race seems to be totally incapable of development†. Racial stereotypes of blacks as inferior beings were popular throughout American society and although the racial hierarchy was mostly unspoken, there were clear signs of it in every aspect of the culture. As the blacks were always regarded as inferior, low-class people, it was not easy for the white supremacy supporters to all of a sudden support their equality. Racism had a strong historical context in American society and it was this that caused the Jim Crow laws to be legalised and supremacist organisations, such as the Ku Klux Klan, to form. Therefore the deep-rooted racism must be seen as the key problem Blacks had to face as it caused all the other obstacles for them and resulted in discrimination in all levels of the society. However, some historians would argue that it was the existence of the supremacist organisations that posed the biggest trouble to the black Americans. Ku Klux Klan was formed immediately after the end of the Civil War but its main wave of actions happened during the 1920s and 30s. The founder of the second KKK, who awoke the old tradition in 1915, was William J. Simmons. His aim was to purge Southern culture of corrupting influences that were according to him trying to â€Å"destroy WASP America. †These were apparently not only blacks, but also other ethnic and religious groups, such as Catholics, Jews and even communists. The Klan used violent methods to intimidate and suppress these groups. Mob violence and lynching were a daily fact of life in the south during the 1920s. However, the organisation became gradually more national with members in the northern countries as well as in the southern ones. It restricted its membership to native-born white Protestants and it attracted many people due to blacks? migration and social fears resulting from it; many people across the country became committed to the â€Å"100% Americanism†and were afraid of losing the position on the top of the racial hierarchy. As historian Paul S. Boyer states, â€Å"The organisation consisted primarily of ordinary people, not criminals or fanatics. The Klan? s promise to restore the nation to an imagined purity – ethnical, moral and religious – appealed powerfully to ill-educated and deeply religious Americans. †By 1925 KKK had 5 million members and it dominated state legislatures. Assembly men, sheriffs, judges – all were members of the Klan and agreed with its policies, either secretly or publicly. The Klan used symbols, such as white robes and burning crosses to bring about and emphasise fear and as historian David M. Chalmers argues they were viewed as a â€Å"super-secret organisation; masked and mysterious, with a tradition of violence for which a generation of legend had achieved a high measure of social approval. †They were feared by the blacks and praised by the whites. Although the white supremacy organisations, such as the KKK played an important role in supporting racist actions and discrimination, they didn? t exist without a cause. This cause was the deep-rooted racism within American people as well as the social and economic fear after the â€Å"Great Migration†and the First World War. It is also surprising that such a violent organisation was free to carry out its actions and was not stopped by neither federal, nor state governments. This shows that the legal aspect of discrimination was to a great extent the major problem for the blacks. However, racism would have existed without the laws, but the laws would not have existed without the deep-rooted racism in American culture, which establishes it as the key reason for all the problems. In any other instance, organisations such as the KKK and racist laws such as the Jim Crow laws would not be accepted by any government. Thus, historians debate also the option that one of the biggest problems African Americans had to face during this time period was the federal government? s apathy. By the ruling of the Supreme Court in 1876 it has been decided that individual states could govern themselves as they saw fit. This led to proliferation of the Jim Crow laws in the South and increasing ignorance of the problem of discrimination in the North. What is more, it provided the federal government with an excuse to not intervene and carry out the ineffective laissez-faire policy. Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat president during and after the First World War, was even racist himself. He declared that the blacks were â€Å"an ignorant and inferior race†and strongly defended segregation stating in 1916 that it is â€Å"not humiliating and is a benefit to you Black gentlemen. †Even though he is known for his campaign for international brotherhood and peace and he denounced the tactics of the KKK, he openly sympathised with its efforts to restore the white supremacy. Clearly, the racism in America was deep-rooted in all levels of the society. In the 1920s Republicans held the presidential office in their hands and as part of their overall approach to ruling they applied the laissez-faire attitude towards social affairs. As Calvin Coolidge stated â€Å"the chief business of the American people is business†. They simply did not think it was their job to intervene in people? s everyday lives. Moreover, the various administrations seemed to close their eyes to racial discrimination. Anti-lynching law in 1921 was never passed as it was defeated by Southern Senators and that meant that the organisations such as the KKK could continue with their horrible actions. What is more, the Klan was allowed to organise 40,000 men march on Washington DC in 1925 showing its strength and being de facto supported by the federal government. Blacks were also further excluded from the Republican Party and had to submit to segregation in the White House and the federal civil service. The evidence shows that Blacks were discriminated in all levels of the society. Even the presidents themselves were racist and did nothing to tackle the inequalities, if not making them worse. The federal apathy clearly rooted from the racism present among the public and the government was simply responding to the will of the people. This created further complications for the African Americans to gain their civil rights as they had to face racism and discrimination not only at everyday levels but also at the proper political ones. Historians also debate the possibility that the aftermath of WW1 causing the â€Å"Great Migration†and wide spread social and economic fears was itself the reason for discrimination of black Americans. In the WW1, many African-Americans fought for the country, but even more of them were employed in munitions, other factories and agriculture to keep the country going. As a result, many blacks moved from the South to the North as they saw it as a chance for better life. Whites didn? t always welcome these migrants as they, too, had racism deep in their minds. Black migrants were also seen as an unwanted job competition – in 1917 in St. Louis 40 blacks and 9 whites were killed in race riot over employment. Although discrimination was nowhere near legal as it was in the South with the Jim Crow laws, whites in the North considered themselves superior as well and were ready to defend their position on the racial hierarchy. In Chicago, race riots began when a black boy accidentally swam to â€Å"white only†waters and the respectable white American citizens present on the beach stoned him to death. As Willoughby and Willoughby argue, â€Å"This incident clearly indicates the depth and extent of the hatred and prejudice. †And it indeed does. As shown above, the KKK had huge number of supporters and members in the North as well ever since its reformation and this meant that even the Northern WASPs were ready to discriminate. This leads back to the deep-rooted racism in the American culture and indicates it as the key problem. After the war ended, the closings of munitions factories hugely affected large proportion of the population. Blacks were then used as strike-breakers and were accused of lowering the wages as they were willing to work for less money. This, of course, created tensions and caused the â€Å"native†white Americans to feel their economic and social status being genuinely under threat. However, this attitude towards African-Americans was nothing new. On balance, there have been Klan members and other WASPs discriminating previous to the war, but the â€Å"Great Migration†caused by northern agents recruiting black workers in the South for munitions factories and other jobs, significantly increased the hostility towards blacks and heated the already existing racial tensions. It also gave further reasons to the â€Å"ordinary white workers†to support or join the Klan. Overall, there was no legal basis for discrimination in the north of the country, but the deep-rooted racism causing de facto segregation of the races provided strong enough reason for the racist Americans to discriminate. The black Americans faced serious problems of discrimination as they were regarded as members of the inferior race during the 19th and most of the 20th century. During the 1920s the tensions increased as the African Americans began to migrate within the US. Jim Crow laws made it legal to discriminate in the south as they sought segregation of the races and indirectly approved the white supremacy. This, alongside with federal government unwillingness to do anything about them, made it possible for racist organisations, such as the KKK, to exist and promote the WASP superiority through violence. However, the view that the KKK itself was the cause of racism is over simplistic misconception as it would not exist and be widely supported if the people would not agree with its goals. In addition, the impact of the First World War which meant increase in black migration to the North caused further deepening of racial problems there and was a factor in the increasing tensions. The problem black Americans faced was discrimination. This was possible to a great extent due to its de jure legalisation in the Jim Crow laws, but in actual fact the main problem blacks faced was the established racial hierarchy within the American society and the deep-rooted racism present in majority of the people. Simply, Blacks were denied to vote, federal government refused to do anything about their inadequate treatment and the Ku Klux Klan successfully managed to question their equality by themselves. However, all these actions taken by the WASPs to secure their position were but a manifestation of a wider racist attitude that was deep-rooted in the culture. In final conclusion, Jim Crow laws were a problem for the black Americans in the 1920s and 30s, but it was not the main one as they had to deal with the deep-rooted racism first to get rid of their discrimination completely.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Second-Hand Smoke essays
Second-Hand Smoke essays In recent years, the cigarette industry has come under attack for a variety of issues, including second-hand smoke. It is important to examine the effect this second-hand smoke has on non-smokers. The use of tobacco "remains the leading preventable cause of death in the United States, causing more than 440,000 deaths each year and resulting in an annual cost of more the $75 billion in direct medical expenses. Nationally, smoking results in more than 5.6 million years of potential (" People who are exposed to secondhand smoke run the risk of dying from the third leading cause of preventable death in the United States. There are thousands of chemicals, many which are extremely toxic, released in tobacco smoke, and this smoke is the only source of most of these chemicals. "Some of the smoke is inhaled by the smoker, but a larger amount of smoke is released into the air. Two-thirds of the smoke from a cigarette is not inhaled by the smoker (" Secondhand smoke (SHS), "sometimes referred to as environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), is a mixture of the smoke given off by the burning ends of a cigarette, pipe, cigar, bidis, and kreteks (sidestream smoke) and the smoke emitted at the mouthpiece and exhaled from the lungs of smokers (mainstream smoke) (>)." The smoke inhaled by the smoker contains almost the exact same chemicals as found in secondhand smoke, however, secondhand smoke may actually contain a higher chemical concentration. Secondhand smoke is composed from a "complex combination of more than 4,000 chemicals, and includes irritants and systemic poisons such as hydrogen cyanide, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, ammonia and formaldehyde. Secondhand smoke contains "at least 250 chemicals known to be toxic or caus...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Emily Dickinson and Fame Essay Example
Emily Dickinson and Fame Essay Example Emily Dickinson and Fame Paper Emily Dickinson and Fame Paper The article Why Adopters Need To Find Their Biological Parents by Stephen Fetched is about finding closure between an adopted and their biological parents. At the age of forty Botchers adopted parents had already passed away and after waiting so long, he wanted to find his biological parents. Because he did not receive any medical records, he has a fear of dropping dead at any moment, which Is why he wanted to see his biological parents to get them. Fetched having a daughter, finds It difficult to claim her as his own. Fetched writes about how adopted people sometimes feel like hey dont belong. He also writes about how adopters have the idea that they should be financially stable just in case they get put up for adoption again. Fetched does find closure with his biological mother, but once he gets what he wanted he believed the relationship wore out, and did what any adopted kid would do, disappear. I agree with most of the points that Fetched made, but Im not adopted so I cant completely understand the point of view of a adopted. If I was adopted I would like at some point In my life have a chance to see my biological parents, especially If they ad my medical records. I can understand how an adopted could feel Like they dont belong because since day one their parents chose not to keep them. I could also understand how It would be hard for an adopted to accept their own children as their own since their parents did not accept them into their lives. I dont agree with adopters leaving their parents after theyve meet them. Just because the parents left the children doesnt mean they should do the same because at the end of the day theyre still their parents.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Qualitative Article Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Qualitative Article Critique - Essay Example 2718). b. Research Problem As the topic of the journal article clearly suggests, it is very important for nurses to acquire excellent skills regarding the understanding of the patients’ problems and devising solutions to counter those problems. Many researchers (e.g. Hardy & Smith 2008; Pardue 1987; Mattingly 1991) have studied the importance of clinical judgments and have found that clinical decision making is becoming a significant part of today’s health care. Thompson et al. (2004), in their research, also affirm that the nurses’ â€Å"decisions have important implications for patient outcomes†. How clinicians process patients’ and their diseases’ information while giving serious consideration to psychosocial issues is the research problem the author has brought forward. According to him, the â€Å"current theoretical explanations of clinical judgement†are â€Å"incomplete†(p. 2711) because these do not talk about the psych osocial issues that should be involved in clinical treatment. Since, past research has only focused on decision making for acute care hospital settings; hence, there was much need for a research that talked about clinical judgments from outpatient perspective where clinicians and patients both participate in the decision making process. The author has come up with a grounded theory study that suggests mutual intacting which involves such strategies that the health practitioners used in decision making while enabling the patients to actively engage in the process. This also helped improve the relationship between the practitioners and their patients. The problem statement very well goes with the title the author has suggested and has good scholastic importance. The problem can be well understood by an average reader and the research is not limited to the author’s own aptitudes and ideas. The abstract provides a brief but compact summary of the research and gives a good overvie w of the research’s aim, background, method, findings and conclusion. c. Research Questions/Hypotheses This research sought to test the hypothesis about how much important is the decision making ability or clinical judgment for nurses who are working at advanced clinical level in chronic and acute care outpatient contexts. The hypothesis was testable and explained the problem surely well by simultaneously giving significance to physician-patient relationship which the author referred to as psychosocial issues often ignored in the past literature. The author’s main research question was- what practice strategies are being and should be used by the practitioners to assist eliciting patient information and deciding on treatment interventions? What were the clinicians’ main concerns when making clinical judgements for the patient? and how did they resolve those concerns? 2. Review of the Literature The author has given an extensive review of literature citing other researchers’ works and explaining them in order to support the need to conduct this specific research. He has cited many researches which discuss the importance of clinical judgment in acute care hospitals or for critical care. The research works in this manner studied by the author came from Lajoie et al. (1998), Cioffi (2001), McCaughan et al. (2002), Bucknall (2003), Hoffman et al. (2004), Hancock & Easen (2006). The author has mentioned the work by Lauri & Salantara (1998) who conducted an empirical research and
Friday, November 1, 2019
Assignment #5 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Assignment #5 - Research Paper Example that have to be applied by the participants to score positively in all other succeeding levels, which concern with changes in behavior, results, and ROI (Phillips, 1997, p.43). In calculating Cost/Benefit Ratio, the total benefits are divided by the cost while for assessing ROI formula, â€Å"the costs are subtracted from the total benefits to produce the net benefits, which are then divided by the costs" (Phillips, 1997, p.43). Thus ROI is the Cost/Benefit Ratio calculation that is done by taking not the total benefits but the net benefits, which is calculated by subtracting total costs from the total benefits. The ROI formula takes into account the tangible costs and benefits alone while Cost/Benefit Ratio incorporates both tangible and intangible costs and benefits, thereby being more comprehensive (Phillips, 1997, p.73). The most often used validity testing approach is content validity just because it is more â€Å"cost-effective†(Phillips, 1997, p.90). This is also so because the â€Å"successful mastery of program content†as is shown by this validity test will be â€Å"related to improved job performance†(Phillips, 1997, p.280). Control groups, customer input and forecasting model are three methods that can be used to isolate the effects of an HRD training program (Phillips, 1997, p.105, 197, 70). In the control group method, it is the â€Å"results of the experimental group, when compared to the control group†that show the â€Å"impact of the HRD program†(Phillips, 1997, p.105). In a training program that is intended to ensure that customers come back to the company, customer input could be a valuable strategy to isolate the effects (Phillips, 1997, p.197). In a situation where â€Å"input and output variables are known†, it is easy to predict the effects out of logical reasoning and common sense and hence the forecasting model will be an effective method to isolate effects (Phillips, 1997, p.70). It is for consistency of data that an evaluator should gather
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