Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Essay of the laramie project Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Of the laramie project - Essay Example The violent crime against Shepard has become a symbol of violence experienced by bisexual, lesbians, transgender and gay people. Two themes, hate the sin, but love the sinner and live and let live emerges in The Laramie Project. The research herein investigates the incidences and various problems that the gay individuals have undergone overtime. It intends discourage the act through the brutal and unfair acts for the realization of a peaceful society. However, in The Laramie Project, some residents of Laramie, Wyoming repeat two themes, â€Å"hate the sin, but show love to the sinner†, live, and let live. The repetition is because of the residents attitudes directed to gay residents. It is imperative to explore the two themes for examining their history and meaning with the current debate concerning the lifestyle of gay individuals in the United States. Let us begin with the theme, â€Å"hate the sin, but love the sinner†. â€Å"Hate the Sinful acts but Love the offender," it has always been mistaken as Jesus Christ saying it, but the fact is Mahatma Gandhi mentioned it several times. This phrase is what now people famously refer to â€Å"hate the sin, but love the sinner†and was quoted many times from Mahatma Gandhi autobiography. Some individuals point out to this theme to provide themselves unlimited permission, or even an obligation, to hate sin in other individuals. In The Laramie Project play, the Rev erend’s comment was saying indirectly that Matthew in his lifestyle â€Å"sinned†(Kaufman 27) by becoming a gay. The Reverend wrongly believed that Matthew hoped that when he was falling into a state of comatose, he was thinking about how he would change his gay sexual preference or attitude. In addition, the Reverends comment insinuated that Matthews sorry situation was because of the beating he received (Kaufman 65-66). In saying this, he wanted people in Laramie to understand that he loved
Monday, October 28, 2019
Saving Private Ryan Essay Example for Free
Saving Private Ryan Essay The ingenious film, directed by Steven Spielberg, `Saving Private Ryan is in my opinion the most realistic film to ever portray the D- Day landings. Many critics have even said it to be so vivid that the only element missing is the smell. In the Films first battle scene, lasting twenty- five minutes in total, it brings all reality into the living nightmare that took place so long ago. Brought back into life by Spielberg, I will show how he creates excitement and tension in the most realistic of ways. I will discuss how he portrays the characters, his use of sound and last of all, his use of camera shots and how they contribute to the overall effect of the scene. Spielberg manifests an overall memorable opening scene and I will show just how. Released on the 24^th July 1998, `Saving Private Ryan promised to break all blockbuster records and go straight to the top. Spielberg stunned the world with the films realism and authenticity, proving that his renowned reputation is not just hearsay, but fact. The plot is loosely inspired by the true story of the Niland brothers, where two of the four were killed and the third, presumed dead. The decision was made to retrieve the fourth, to prevent a national uproar and from a whole family from being wiped out due to War. The plot, proving exciting, brings much controversy over the mission to risk eight lives for the sake of one. The whole epic World War 11 drama cost approximately $65 million in total, most of which was spent on the graphic detail and effects in the first battle scene of the film. Although the twenty-five minute battle scene is complex cinematically and visually, the plot of the beach landings follows through reasonably simply. The scene starts off in focus of a small regiment of troops, quivering inside the hull of a boat, petrified by the sound of oncoming machine gun fire. The ramps fall down as a wheel spins round, pronouncing the ends to most of their lives. The boat opens out as many are shot dead instantly by the flurry of bullets thrust toward them. Few make it out a live before they have to plough through thousands of dead up the beach. As the battle scene cuts into view, the first character to be seen visually is Captain Miller. This immediately indicates that he is high up in rank and so, instantly gives him a commanding presence among the craft. The calmness of his voice even seems to sedate the tension in the atmosphere. However, the initial part of him to be seen is his pair of trembling hands. This conventionally is a sign of fear and to some, may show a weakness. Leaders are not usually associated with fear; stereotypically they are fearless. Spielberg has used this ironically, to show the realism within his character. All the soldiers fighting on that day were normal citizens fighting for pride and country. They all experienced fear. On D- day there were no fearless war heroes such as John Wayne and this is why Captain Miller, along with all the other troops, is shown in trepidation. As the shot moves outward, the whole of Captain Millers body is revealed. His appearance can be seen and again realism is reinforced. The person acting as Captain Miller, Tom Hanks does not have the stereotypical appearance of a War hero; he is small, placid and in lack of the muscle attributes usually associated with a clichi d soldier. Through this casting Spielberg conveys a message. The men fighting on that day were normal. They werent all large men built of muscle, who could defy death and so, the person cast as Captain Miller isnt either. Through this, the character of Captain Miller is made realer to the audience, thus making the film more accurate and historically correct. On the beach, after the regiment has landed, the Captain experiences a brief period where his emotions and conscience are thrown into turmoil. The horror of what is happening around him starts to sink in, as all terror results in a mental breakdown. The fact that he does not just march through the beach and that he is affected shows his compassion and empathy. It shows he is a caring human being; one who is gravely affected by the horrific things being done to his comrades. Through this period of collapse, Spielberg creates lots of tension, as the audience, who have gradually started to become attached to this realistic character, are willing him to snap out of it and gain his composure. They want him to get out of this situation and lead his troops up the beach. Another character that stands prominent in this scene is that of Sergeant Horvath. Spielberg has used Horvaths character to contrast with Captain Miller, and this is seen even in the first few seconds of his di but. Immediately as the audience set eyes upon his broad build, it can be seen that he is much more robust than the Captain and that he conforms more to the stereotypical image of a fictional war hero. I think that Spielberg has highlighted this point emphasise the normality and ordinary image of Captain Miller. He has done this to show that soldiers were all shapes and sizes. Through this contrast made, the realism of both characters is increased as they both can be recognised uniquely. Horvath and Miller again contrast in their methods of dealing with the trepidation and horror thrown at them. Whereas the Captain releases his petrified state through the constant trembling of his hands, Horvath allows his fear to disperse through chewing. Through Horvaths different reaction, Spielberg defines his character more, making him more realistic as he deals with situations in a different way. As soldiers in real life all reacted uniquely depending on their personalities, Horvath does too. The audience then can identify better with him, likening him to people they know, thus recognising him as a real type of person, one who is unique. Although Captain Miller and Sergeant Horvath contrast in many ways, together they form a prevailing partnership. In every order relayed by the Captain, the Sergeant reinforces it, thus portraying his regard, proving that he has an immense admiration for the man. Horvath continuously stays close to the Captain, waiting for his command and looking out for him. Spielberg uses him as the Captains right arm. Everything about Horvath, from his bear like face, down to his cumbersome build, shout; protector! In view of this, the audience take a liking to him and confide comfort in the fact that Horvath will protect and bring their `everyman (the Captain) to safety. Spielberg uses the relationship between the two characters to excite the audience, as he shows that War is so out of the ordinary, that it brought together people in friendships who otherwise wouldnt have done so. Captain Miller and Sergeant Horvath have such a strong relationship during this scene that excitement arouses among the audience, as they know that together the two will survive. Private Jackson, the regiments sniper is another character that has an essential role in the battle scene. His preliminary appearance is in the landing craft, immediately before the ramps descend. His face, being one of pure dread is an open book to the audience. He is so terrified that his expression and the first act that he commits, a kiss on a cross, show that he believes that there is no hope for survival left. It is as though he thinks that a kiss on the cross is the last action he is going to do and that if God is ever going to come to his aid, let it be now. I think that Spielberg has used this crucifix and his expression of misgiving, to draw compassion for the Private, but also to show how close death is to God. Immense suspense is created through the terror in Jacksons eyes. Private Jackson is not focused upon much during the struggle to gain ground and progress up the beach, however is substantial in the climax of the Scene. In this section of the scene, there is a long pause where the camera focuses upon the concentration on Jacksons face. He is speaking to God as he prepares to shoot and kill the Germans.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Physics of Soccer Essay -- Physics Research Papers Compare Football
Physics of Soccer I. Introduction Soccer is a sport that’s very challenging and during the course of this semester I’ve found physics can also be described as challenging. As far as I was concerned soccer and physics were both challenging and that was all they had in common, consequently upon researching them both this semester I found that I was wrong. For me this was nothing new because I’ve found that physics isn’t a subject that can be skimmed, but rather it has to be studied to the finest detail. Those small details if missed can make all your efforts worthless. Or on the positive side understanding those details can make your efforts worth it in the end. And in soccer if you understand the physics, which to most players would be considered as the small details, it pays off in the end. So really how does physics come into play with soccer? II. Motion and Soccer In our text we began our study of physics with motion because motion is a dominant characteristic of the Universe (Kirkpatrick, 21). In class we learned that speed is the distance traveled divided by the time taken, s=d/t. The definition of velocity is very close to that of speed except that direction of an object is also taken into account. Soccer is a sport that is all about motion and how to use movements most effectively. Speed and velocity are very important when it comes to motion because with out them there would be no motion. When playing soccer speed is essential to being a productive player. The game is fast paced and so the players must also be quick on their feet. Soccer players may not know that velocity is essential to being able to control their movements. But physics proves that both are essential to soccer. Speed and direction are b... ...volved. Soccer requires the use of physics principles such as motion, distance, momentum, angular momentum, friction, and all three of Newton’s Laws of motion. It is important to understand how physics works and affects us even when playing soccer. If players know how physics, the small details, affect them they will be able to control the ball and be efficient in calculating the speed and impact of an approaching opponent. Soccer is a challenging sport, but knowing how the physics around the game works makes improvement almost a guarantee. Works Cited Kirkpatrick, Larry D., Wheeler, Gerald F. Physic: A World View. Fourth ed. Fort Worth: Harcourt College Publishers, 2001. Lange, Thomas L. â€Å"Soccer.†World Book Encyclopedia. 1996. â€Å"Physics of Soccer.† Index.html. Kent School District. 1995-2003.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Ideas inside of us
Wearing headphones or earphones, turning on favorite songs are the best ways to escape from these distractions. Many studies show that some genres of music such as Jazz or Baroque could help the brain signals processing faster. For instance, when listening to a Jazz song, I feel happier, more relaxed and reducing stress. Music really helps my mind regain the energy that I easily continue focusing on the work. The human brain is very smart, but it is also lazy to concentrate for a long time. When doing one thing for a long time, the brain feel bored, hence it easily gets off the track.Some student share experiences that when they focus on study for two or three hours, they feel hardly to keep their mind going on the lesson. Different changes happened however, when they listen to music that helps everything back to its orbit. As a result, music really helps students kept their concentration on studying. Another advantage of listening to music is that music can helps students get creati ve ideas while studying. From joy to ad from happiness to despair, music really has a special ability to leading our emotions.If I need to write a sympathy essay sharing the sorrow with people dying on the war, I should choose a blues ballad song to listen while writing. If am solving an equation in algebra, I need to find a little hard rock of Linking park. Music can simulate students' creativity as a cup of coffee. Listening to music while studying could help students get ideas that they might not realize before. If you want to find something to boost your creative, do not think bout coffee but try some music, it is truly a healthy caffeine medicine for our students.Music leads the emotion and emotion paves the way for creative ideas inside of us. Sometime, you stuck with a problem, find no way to escape the cycle, so you need something helping you get out of that. Let turn on the cellophane, and play some Pop, ideas will come to you. As can be seen, music is an effective medicine helps us get ideas that are more creative. One other advantage of listening to music while studying is that it helps students have a better memory. Our studies prove that Classical or Zen music can help students easily remember the numbers in math or years of history.Music has the ability to transport our memory back in time just like a time machine. Some formulas or sequences students have studied for a long time might be forgotten. Now, they are recalled exactly as learned yesterday thanks for Classical music. Some students cannot remember and revise what they learned because they are under the pressures of the test ahead. In that case, listening to Zen music could release the pressure, slow the heartbeat and inspires students' confidence that help them recall their memories better.Moreover, students will not be bored or stressed when dealing with a long night trying to revise some ideas for a presentation. With a good mood from music, they can better learn facts and lectures tha t they confront for a presentation. Also, fast music affects students' abilities to remember things out loud. In the same way, slow music helps students think more deeply and keep this information in students' memories. Therefore, music is really a helpful tool for students' memories.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Active Listening Essay
Listening requires focus and attention, and failure to listen is one of the key causes of miscommunication (Sole, K. (Chapter 2, 2011).Making connections: Understanding interpersonal communication. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc). I think at some point in time everyone has been guilty of believing that they knew someone better than they actually did. When we assume we know all there is to know about a friend or a loved one, I believe that we unknowingly stop listening to them. One perfect example of this would be my best friend Carla and I. Carla and I have known each other for many years, we were friends in High school, roommates in college and godparents to one another’s children, so one would naturally think that we knew each other VERY well. One year for Carla’s birthday she asked me to make her a cake, and obviously I agreed. The day of her birthday celebration I arrived with the cake and presented it to her, only to have her wind up extremely unhappy. Carla was under the impression that she had specified she wanted her favorite cake, which happened to be strawberry, but she did not, had she specified she wanted me to make a strawberry cake I would have declined because i am extremely allergic to strawberries, if I consume them I’m nauseated if I touch them I break out in a sever rash. Even after Realizing that she had not requested a strawberry cake she remained upset claiming that as her best friend I should have known she wanted me to make a specific cake and I remained upset because I felt like she either didn’t know or didn’t care about my allergies and as a friend neither of those options were ok. At some point we were able to realize that we failed each other. Had we communicated with one another we could have avoided an unnecessary fight. One way we could have avoided our misunderstanding would have been to actually say exactly what we wanted each other to know, Carla could have asked for what she wanted from me instead of assuming that since I know how much she loves strawberries, that I’d be making a strawberry cake and I could have asked more questions about what she wanted rather than assume that because she knows my allergies she knew I wouldn’t be making her favorite cake. Another way to avoid that type of situation is to actually listen and focus on the conversation that you’re having. This is where I think active listening comes into play. We weren’t intentionally ignoring each other but I think that our long-term friendship and assumption about how well we knew each other caused us to only listen partly as opposed to completely. In the future I fully intend to be an active listener and completely engage myself in discussions that I have. References: Sole, K. (2011).Making connections: Understanding interpersonal communication. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc Active Listening Essay Active listening is one of the most rewarding skill sets that I have learned from the lesson because it has really contributed to my personal growth and my professional lives. Active listening skills refer to the skill of being fully present when you are in a conversation with someone. Very often when we are in a conversation, we are not paying any attention to what the person is saying. We are just waiting for our turn to talk. We are actually having a conversation in our own heads while the person is talking to us. It is when we are not â€Å"present†in a conversation. Before I realized the importance of active listening, the most important thing in a conversation was that people understood what I was trying to share with them. Meaning that my perspective was the most important thing in a conversation and that they had to understand me. And what I learned over the lesson, was that the best way to nurture a relationship was actually to stop caring about people understanding my point. This lesson reminds me that each of us had different experiences, we grow up with different believes, different values, different rules. And how we think and how we view everything that goes on around us are always filtered based on the environment we grew up. Throughout the lesson, I had many opportunities to practice my active listening skills by actively participating in the class discussions. After completed the lesson, I would not say I am an excellent listener, but I definitely feel that I am a better listener. I find myself paying more attention to the speaker and interpreting his/her non-verbal cues, showing that I am listening by probing and providing feedback and clarifying by asking questions. By listen closely, I am able to gain more information about what the person is sharing and to find things that peak my interest. When the person is done with the sharing, I will ask them about what that peaked my interest and let the person respond. By doing so, I am able to understand their point of view and to see things from their perspective. I will not interrupt when the person is speaking as I know that interruption always limit my ability to connect. Improving active listening skills will enable me to reshape my ideas about myself, my beliefs, and everything that are important to me. From now on, I will remind myself to be fully present and fully aware of what others are saying, instead of feeling the urge to find what I am thinking of and what my response is going to be. I will try the best I can to get rid of thinking on my own perspective and to do everything I can to understand the other person’s point of view and make them my priority.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Medical Mariujana essays
Medical Mariujana essays Put yourself in this position...your diagnosed with AIDS, cancer, glaucoma, or just chronic pain from old age. The medication your taking works, but after a while it is making your body dependent on the drug, eating away your stomach lining, you cant eat, you feel nauseated and you are losing weight fast. This doesnt sound too productive, in fact it doesnt sound fun, but the alternative can be fun and help all the previous listed symptoms go away. That is why I am urging you to contact your state senator, Chuck Grassly on House Bill 2592 on supporting the States Rights to Medical Marijuana. I. In recent years AIDS victims, cancer victims, and illnesses have risen to 40 million in the US alone. Many suffering with chronic problems due to prescription medication. II. AIDS patients have as much difficulty ingesting medications for nausea as they do food. The medications simply don't stay down long enough to take effect. III. According to the New England Journal of Medicine, January 30, 1997, "The advanced stages of many illnesses and their treatments are often accompanied by intractable nausea, vomiting, or pain. IV. Standard medications have side effects that marijuana doesn't. With many pain medications, a steady level must be maintained in the bloodstream. a. There is no "time off" from side effects like 1. Drug interactions must be monitored. Liver screens are necessary to prevent toxicity. I. This is why I urge you to contact your senator Chuck Grassly and vote yes on House Bill 2592 on supporting Rights to Medical Marijuana. i. the prescription or recommendation of marijuana by a physician for medical use ii. allows an individual to use it, without l ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
How Do I Find Money to Write a Book
How Do I Find Money to Write a Book People love to ask this question, a frequented question in my email, but I understand that every day new people decide to become authors. Folks who love reading, or have this burning story inside them, and want to see their work in print. Oh, only if that was all there was to it, right? Many of these sweethearts ask me where to find money to pay for that book. First, I tell them to seriously research whether to self-publish, hybrid publish, or traditionally publish, and if they dont understand the differences, then they are not ready to publish. Writing is only half the job, but then youve heard that before. That and it really costs nothing to actually write the book. Then we talk where money can be found. While this tiny editorial cannot begin to go into detail on each financial availability, it can list the possibilities to at least let you realize your options. One day Ill write a book on all of this. Places to gather money to write a book: 1) Save from your other income. Tithe to your book fund. 2) Take out a loan. If you really believe in yourself and your writing, why not risk taking out that loan? 3) Write freelance. While it might seem all that romantic a task to you, if you need money sooner rather than later, and want to write doing it, then consider freelance writing whether as a copywriter or magazine/blog writer. I strongly suggest trade magazines to get started. 4) Ordinary crowdfunding like or PLEASE look at the successful campaigns to see what is involved. If this seems too ominous to you, then you might not be up to the marketing required of a serious writer. 5) Crowdfunding to publish. Go to a site like and not only earn money and followers, but also a publishing contract. 6) Patreon. Gain monthly followers who are willing to subscribe to your new material, as long as youre willing to write regularly and ingeniously for them. 7) Fiscal agents. This works especially for nonfiction and sometimes memoir. You find a nonprofit that has a like mission and like mind to what youre writing. Ask them to apply for a grant for you, with them being your fiscal agent. They get administrative money and you get grant money. This is a good light-weight article about it 8) Writing contests. Not steady, but you are furthering your career. 9) Grants. Start with your state or countrys arts council. 10) Speaking. Yes, there is money to be made in speaking, and tons of connections to be made that will indeed open doors. You just have to decide what you are an expert about and be willing to pitch yourself to events. 11) Self-publish ebooks or courses online. You build a platform this way, too. Sorry, but theres no easy way to ask for and be granted funds to write. You are going to have to think entrepreneurial to achieve funding for your bookunless you are willing to foot the bill yourself and hope that the book sells without that extra oomph of financial support. But trust me, if you make any of the above work well for you, youll be a big step ahead of the game. And youll also show that you know how to manage that entrepreneurial side of yourself.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
How Express Opinions in French
How Express Opinions in French If you want to have a debate in French or discuss your opinions, you need to know the relevant vocabulary and expressions. This page offers suggestions for offering, supporting, asking for, and avoiding opinions in French.Of course, the subject pronoun je, object pronoun me, stressed pronoun moi, and possessive adjective mon in these expressions can all be replaced to express other opinions than your own. Offering an Opinion    mon avisIn my opinionCest du moins mon opinion.At least, thats my opinion.Daprà ¨s moiIn my viewEn ce qui me concerneAs far as Im concernedIl est / Cest certain queIts certainIl est / Cest clair queIts clearIl est / Cest à ©vident queIts obviousIl est / Cest impossible queIts impossibleIl est / Cest injuste queIts unfairIl est / Cest juste queIts fairIl est / Cest possible queIts possibleIl est / Cest probable queIts probableIl est / Cest sà »r queIts surelyIl est / Cest vrai queIts trueIl me semble queIt seems to meJai lidà ©e queI have the impressionJai limpression queI have a feelingJe considà ¨re queI feelJe crains quil ne soitI fear that it isJe crois queI believeJe dois dire queI must sayJestime queI consider itJimagine queI imagineJe pense queI think (that)Je suppose queI supposeJe ne pense pas.I dont think so.Je ne peux pas mempà ªcher de penser queI cant help thinkingJe suis certain queIm certain thatJe suis convaincu queIm convinced thatJe suis davis queI m of the opinionJe suis persuadà © queIm convinced thatJe suis sà »r queIm sureJe trouve queI find, I feelMoi, je... As for me, I...PersonnellementPersonallyPour ma partFor my partPour moiIn my viewQuant moiAs for meSans vouloir vous contredireWithout meaning to contradict youSelon moiIn my viewSi vous voulez mon opinion/avisIf you want my opinionTelle est mon opinion sur...Thats my view of/on... Supporting an Opinion    Jai entendu dire que dependent clauseI heard thatJai entendu parler de nounI heard aboutJe sais / Nous savons queI / We know thatOn dit queOne says, They sayPar exempleFor example Asking for an Opinion   votre avisIn your opinionAvez-vous une opinion surDo you have an opinion aboutComment percevez-vousHow do you viewJaimerais connaà ®tre / avoir votre avis / opinion surId like (to know) your opinion onJaimerais connaà ®tre / avoir votre rà ©action face Id like (to know) your reaction toJaimerais / Je voudrais savoir ce que vous pensez deId like to know what you think aboutJe voudrais connaà ®tre / avoir votre avis / opinion surId like (to know) your opinion on/aboutJe voudrais connaà ®tre / avoir votre rà ©action face Id like (to know) your reaction toPourriez-vous me donner / faire savoir votre avis/opinion surCould you give me your opinion aboutPourriez-vous me donner / faire savoir votre rà ©action face Could you give me your reaction toPourriez-vous me dire ce que vous pensez deCould you tell me what you think aboutQuelle est votre attitude là ©gard deWhat is your attitude toward/toQuelle est votre opinion/avis surWhat is your opinion aboutQue pensez-vo us deWhat do you think aboutSelon vousIn your opinion Avoiding Expressing an Opinion    Cela dà ©pend deThat depends onCest une question de point de vue.It all depends on your point of view.Il est / Cest difficile deIts hard toIl mest impossible de donner un avis (dà ©finitif) surI cant express a (definite) opinion onJe nai jamais vraiment rà ©flà ©chi I have never really thought aboutJe nai pas dopinion bien prà ©cise / arrà ªtà ©e surI dont have strong feelings aboutJe ne me le suis jamais demandà ©.Ive never wondered about it.Je ne me suis jamais vraiment posà © la question.Ive never asked myself that question.Je ne suis pas mà ªme de dire siIm not in a position to say whetherJe prà ©fà ©rerais ne pas (avoir ) me prononcer surId rather not commentJe prà ©fà ©rerais ne pas mengagerId rather not commit myselfJignore tout deI know nothing aboutTout dà ©pend deIt all depends on
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Introduction to Organisations and Management Essay - 2
Introduction to Organisations and Management - Essay Example By comparing the two companies we will try to learn how these challenges can be solved. The difference in the management style of both the companies will also be discussed under the light of relevant theories of management and business. Watsons Engine Components and H&M Consulting are the two companies that will be discussed in the report. Watsons Engine Components is a manufacturing company of parts for car engines. It is a family owned business and is in a lot of trouble because of the increased competition in the industry. The human resource management issues are also staring the company right in the face. On the other hand, H & M Consulting is a consultancy company and has made massive inroads in many engineering and management sectors all over the world. Since its inception in 1989, it has grown into a large organization with a global presence. The company is doing very well and has a friendly culture which in turns yields good profits for the company. The differences between th ese two companies will be highlighted in the report. Organizational Design and Structure The first area of difference between the two organizations is the organizational structure. Structure in companies is very important because all communication is done within the organization according to its structure. The lower levels of employees communicate their demands and insights on the business through the structure. This is why the importance of organizational design in great. A major chunk of the problem of Watsons Engine Components lies in its organizational structure. The structure of the company is hierarchal and old fashioned. In a hierarchal structure, the flow of information is very slow. The communication gap in the company is very evident from the highly unionized employee base. When the voices of employees are not heard they feel compelled to make such forums where voices are raised. It is actually an individual need, to raise his or her voice about the work he or she is doing and in absence of proper communication channels unions are formed. Cross-functional integration is very important in environments where demand is unpredictable (Germain, Claycomb, & Droge, 2007). This integration is also lacking in Watsons Engine Components. The company is not interested in training employees so that they can work in different areas. The employees are not even motivated themselves to work hard because of the structural issues with the company. Employees working at the lowest level have great ideas about improvement of a product but these ideas are not heard because of the vertical structure of the organization. Workers find it difficult to communicate their ideas to the top management. The business activity of Watsons Engine Components requires a structure that is flexible. The company produces complex products that are engine parts. Innovation is actually required when manufacturing complex products and design structure is very important when developing complex pr oducts (Danilovic & Browning, 2007). This is because innovation will only take place when ideas from employees are listened to and implemented. In a business of manufacturing, the company should have a decentralized structure and a small company like Watsons Engine Components should have an open door policy. H & M Consulting, on the other hand, has a much-decentralized structure and this is the reason for their success.
Business Communication - Letter Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Business Communication - Letter - Assignment Example It is possible to allow women to drive while placing other measures of ensuring that they preserve their dignity and that they remain safe. We are well aware of the sensitivity of the matter at hand. However, societies do not undergo a change in a single day. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia needs adequate time for it to undergo social and political changes that would give women more freedom. As a company, we understand the commitment of the Saudi Human Rights Commission in ensuring that women in this country get an opportunity to enjoy their human rights freely. However, we also recognize that there are relevant procedures and platforms that need to exist for the recognition of any visible social change. We hope that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia can reconsider its position and allow women to drive while still protecting their dignity and safety. Therefore, all the stakeholders involved should critically discuss the issue at hand and develop a viable
Friday, October 18, 2019
Business to Business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Business to Business - Assignment Example The paper tells that trade or business has always been one of the vital factors that have regulated the growth and development of any civilization. It has not only helped in the advancement of civilization but also been instrumental in the process of globalization. However, with the passage of time, the process of globalization and modernization has brought significant changes in the social, cultural and economic aspects of human race. The most significant change can be observed in the field of technology which has dramatically altered and influenced the business activities. The process of globalization and modernization has made the global business environment very attractive with business organizations being able to access overseas markets with least constraints compared to earlier times. However, on the other hand, due to globalization, the global business environment has become much more competitive with the introduction of free trade policies. . In this regard, Hope and Maeleng have identified free trade policy as a â€Å"competition-enhancing device†. In order to cope with this increase in competition, business organizations are constantly trying to bring in a number of improvements in their business activities and hence, they clearly identify the importance of business activities and associated stakeholders. Business related transactions can happen between any two individuals, or government and non-government organization. In this age of technological advancements, business organizations are trying to maintain transactions in electronic medium. The use of internet backed technologies like e-commerce has revolutionized all types of business transactions, be it business to business or business to customer transactions3. Relevant Literature In the post-modern business scenario, business models have been transformed with the changing nature of the business environment. In order to survive in the market, business organizations are constantly trying to incorporate technological advancement in their business process. E-commerce and e-business are two most vital technological advancements in this field. There are a number of reasons that has initialized such technological advancements. Barbara Parker has identifies major factors that brought such technological changes in the business process. Some of them are like increased process of innovation through research and developments; necessity of developed working process and lifestyles; demand for better interconnectivity in global market etc4. Due to these initiatives, the business organizations are currently enjoying better leverage for growth and development. The nature of the business model in an organization depends on the nature of commercial activities that they are engaged in. A business to business transaction is one in which a business organization interacts with another business organization. Example, in the case of manufacturers of automobile parts, they will be dealing wit h other automobile manufacturers who directly supply finished products to the market for sales... However, the company that buys automobile parts from another company and delivers the final product to the customer, is engaged in both commercial transactions, business to business and business to consumers. The primary focus of this paper is on the business to business commercial transaction and hence, the analysis and discussion aim to cater the same. Many post-modern organizations are incorporating latest technologies to enhance the value of their business by offering better customer services. In the process of business to business transactions, technologies like e-business and e-commerce influence the value chain of the company as the traditional value chain transforms to a new upgraded one. Value chain of a business includes its primary and supporting activities. The incorporation of e-business technologies in
DISSERTATION (Litrature Review) Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
(Litrature Review) - Dissertation Example This is disturbing for the UK economy as international students help to fund UK higher education. Migrants come to the UK for various reasons and students comprise of about 26% of the total migrants that enter UK as shown in the chart below: Source: Somerville & Sumption (2009). However, the precise number of international students is not known as no statistics are maintained of both the private and the public sector institutions (UKCISA, 2010). Amongst those studying full-time at publicly funded higher education institutions 214,000 were non-EU students out of a total of 306,000 students. The public funded further education colleges and the private colleges could have more non-EU students but the figures are not known. The immigration statistics can be confusing as those studying for less than six months are granted visa under a different category called ‘student visitors’. The non-EU students that have been granted clearance in the past few years are as shown in the ta ble below: Source: UKCISA (2010). These figures show a sharp increase over the past few years. The private institutions can set their own fees but at the state funded institutions the non-EU students have to pay the total fees with fees typically being between ?8000 and ?15000. International students account for over 40% of the total postgraduate students (UKCISA, 2010). About 50% of these students are engaged in research degrees but there is no subsidy offered to non-EU students. While there is a ‘cap’ on the number of EU students that can be accepted because of the limited funds, there is no cap on the number of international students that can be accepted. The private sector collages in the UK offer a wide variety of courses and are often less expensive thereby being affordable by the international students. International students contribute to the local economy because higher the number of students more jobs in the administration of the colleges and universities, add itional income or the UK universities and export income for the owners. International students enhance global connections. During the Asian financial crisis also student inflow had diminished in the UK while Australia had gained in student flow as a result. Another reason that student inflow is affected is because students started working along with studies as savings are reduced. The top ten UK student source countries have been shown in the table below: Source: Somerville & Sumption (2009). 2.3 Drivers of change in the current environment Internationalization of higher education is a response by academic institutions to a globalized world. This is basically a response to the new age which is marked by globalization, competition and marketization (Cheung, Yuen, Yuen & Cheng, 2011). Internationalization of education can be done in many forms and currently the most important form is the exporting of higher education service done through recruitment of overseas students. UK and Austra lia had so far been leading in recruitment of international students but Singapore is fast catching up. In Singapore education is considered a â€Å"knowledge industry†and accounts for more than 3 percent of the GDP. Education is fast becoming a global, market-oriented, private industry, and international mobility of students is a major concern for HEIs. The international trade in education services has become a major source of income in many countries. In Australia education services sector was the third largest exporter in 2007 while in the
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Conducting a Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words
Conducting a Market - Essay Example iPhone is the pioneer smartphone that enhanced the mobile phone users’ experiences with its touchpad feature. iPhone has significantly impacted the market share of all leading mobile phones worldwide and has been successful in developing a loyal customer base (Keller, 120). Hence, the paper will analyse the success of iPhone in the smartphone industry and the customer perception about iPhone to gain a deeper understanding about the strategy followed by Apple to exceed the expectations of its customers and make them loyal to the brand. Research objectives Since the foremost goal of the research is to determine the customer perception about Apple’s iPhone, the main research objectives that are addressed in this paper are as follows: 1. To determine the best features of iPhone 2. To identify the customer loyalty level with iPhone 3. To analyse the factors that created a distinctive image of iPhone in the market Importance of the study With the help of the study, an underst anding about the elements that form the customer perception about a brand will be identified. This research will allow the evaluation of various factors that have been the source of Apple’s success. When the marketing strategies of top-ranked brands are studied, it assists in analysing the key constituents that are taken into account to create the desired brand image and the steps taken to retain the customer’s attention. By studying the customer perception about iPhone, the research provided details about interesting facts that the company focuses on exceeding the satisfaction level of its prestigious customers. Limitations of the study As there were time and resource... This report stresses that iPhone is considered to be the best brand in the smartphone industry as it has been providing an exceptional experience to the users. With each new breakthrough invention, Apple continues to enhance the customer expectation level; it has definitely an excellent perceived quality which is evident from the growth in number of customers every year. The phone developers have done a marvellous job by creating the smartphones in a simple and easy to use form. However, the company should try to attract the people of old generation by offering them attractive packages. Apple should try to grab their attention by informing them the positive sides of using the smartphone. This paper makes a conclusion that the customer perception about iPhone is strong and positive and they have trust in the brand that they will be offered only genuine and fine quality products which will ensure that they get value for their money for a long period. As the quality of iPhone is durable, there are fewer chances that the customers face any problem when using it; in case of any issue, they can easily contact the company’s representative who will resolve the matter as soon as possible. Providing customers the after sales services also impacts the brand image of the product in a positive way. Such value added features increases the chances of customers for making repeat purchases when they plan to buy a similar product in future.
Assignment 3 Buyers Behavior Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
3 Buyers Behavior - Assignment Example Marketing, understanding the customers would help an organization to develop and distribute its products at the right places and appropriate prices (2014). Therefore, understanding of the organization’s customers, regardless of if it is small or large, is an essential factor towards the financial success of the company. Both the consumers and businesses have specific patterns that can enable an individual to determine the buying behaviors. There are various steps, both for the business and customers, which determine how well their buying behaviors are. Adopting an appropriate buying behavior for the business will ensure that the customer will the product that they need at the right place and at the right time. There are various steps that a typical business or organization will go through when purchasing its products. In summary, the business should first identify the existing need or problem among the available customers. This would help it to determine how they will be able to meet those needs. Secondly, the business should develop product specification to determine what specific products will meet their needs. The search for products and the supply points is the third step in the purchasing process. This can be achieved through ways such as exhibitions, the company’s sales force, and other advertising ways that can provide relevant valuable information. Fourth, the business can now be ready to place an order, after which the management would evaluate the performance of the product and supplier. After all these steps, the business should follow on the purchase made, since the first purchase should not be viewed as merely a one of a time purchase, but as the beginning of a long te rm business relationship. Likewise, Shah points out that there are several processes that are involved in the determination of the consumer behavior (2015). Primarily consumers would tend to look at the commodities that they would like to consume after which they will tend to select
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Conducting a Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words
Conducting a Market - Essay Example iPhone is the pioneer smartphone that enhanced the mobile phone users’ experiences with its touchpad feature. iPhone has significantly impacted the market share of all leading mobile phones worldwide and has been successful in developing a loyal customer base (Keller, 120). Hence, the paper will analyse the success of iPhone in the smartphone industry and the customer perception about iPhone to gain a deeper understanding about the strategy followed by Apple to exceed the expectations of its customers and make them loyal to the brand. Research objectives Since the foremost goal of the research is to determine the customer perception about Apple’s iPhone, the main research objectives that are addressed in this paper are as follows: 1. To determine the best features of iPhone 2. To identify the customer loyalty level with iPhone 3. To analyse the factors that created a distinctive image of iPhone in the market Importance of the study With the help of the study, an underst anding about the elements that form the customer perception about a brand will be identified. This research will allow the evaluation of various factors that have been the source of Apple’s success. When the marketing strategies of top-ranked brands are studied, it assists in analysing the key constituents that are taken into account to create the desired brand image and the steps taken to retain the customer’s attention. By studying the customer perception about iPhone, the research provided details about interesting facts that the company focuses on exceeding the satisfaction level of its prestigious customers. Limitations of the study As there were time and resource... This report stresses that iPhone is considered to be the best brand in the smartphone industry as it has been providing an exceptional experience to the users. With each new breakthrough invention, Apple continues to enhance the customer expectation level; it has definitely an excellent perceived quality which is evident from the growth in number of customers every year. The phone developers have done a marvellous job by creating the smartphones in a simple and easy to use form. However, the company should try to attract the people of old generation by offering them attractive packages. Apple should try to grab their attention by informing them the positive sides of using the smartphone. This paper makes a conclusion that the customer perception about iPhone is strong and positive and they have trust in the brand that they will be offered only genuine and fine quality products which will ensure that they get value for their money for a long period. As the quality of iPhone is durable, there are fewer chances that the customers face any problem when using it; in case of any issue, they can easily contact the company’s representative who will resolve the matter as soon as possible. Providing customers the after sales services also impacts the brand image of the product in a positive way. Such value added features increases the chances of customers for making repeat purchases when they plan to buy a similar product in future.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Compare the management of a public service in the UK to that of one Essay
Compare the management of a public service in the UK to that of one other country of your choice. What does the comparison tell you about the factors that shape public management in each country - Essay Example igned to provide specified benefits, financial risk cover, and improved access to health services with the goal of improving the health outcomes (Baum, 2009). The healthcare programs are not meant to provide coverage for all people of the country and neither are they meant to provide treatment for all ailments. The healthcare policies are decided by three important dimensions. These refer to the people who are covered, the services that are covered along with the extent of costs that are covered. The topic of healthcare is selected since it affects all citizens of a nation. While rich people can afford to take private medical treatment and healthcare, the poor and middle class people, retirees and those with disabilities depend on the social healthcare systems to survive and lead a meaningful life. These are the reasons for selecting the topic. UK and USA are two nations that have a very effective and much debated healthcare system that are advanced and equitable in the application ( Rogers, 1997). Hence, these two nations are selected. Next chapters will examine various issues related to this subject. As a matter of policy, NHS collaborates and works with international organisations such as WHO, UNO, UNICEF and other health and social care agencies. NHS has a sustainable development unit called NHS SDU and this department takes up projects with WHO to develop support packages for WHO European Member States. NHS provides projects help on two components. These are the technical guidance for sustainable health systems and the international route map. As such, NHS does not obtain any funds from international organisations and its activities are guided by the NHS board (NHS SDU, 2012). Hofstedes cultural dimensions provide an indication of the national culture of a nation. It indicates the manner in which citizens of a country would respond to certain situations, the manner in which they react to positions of authority and power and the manner in which they react as a
Monday, October 14, 2019
Counseling Ethics Essay Example for Free
Counseling Ethics Essay Ethics are based on philosophical principles and these guidelines assist a practitioner in making the best possible decisions for the welfare of the clients and the practitioner himself. Ethics are normative or critical in nature and concern human conduct and moral decision. Morality describes decision making and judgement by an individual concerning an incident or human behaviour. This is greatly influenced by the values he or she has acquired or formed as a result of external influence or indoctrination. Value is an enduring belief that a specific that a specific end-state of conduct is desirable (McLeod, 1998). Terminal and instrumental values are two types of values where the former refer to the desired end-state of existence, for example wisdom and the later refer to the mode of conduct that leads to it, for example broad-mindedness .Values then influence and determine the decisions we choose to make in our daily lives. In providing an effective, therapeutic therapy, a practitioner helping a client encountering dilemma in decision- making may adopt the eight – step model approach to think through the ethical problems (Corey, Corey Callanan, 2007). The steps of the model are described as follows: Step 1- Identify the problem or dilemma. In the first step the existence of the problem must be recognised. The nature of the problem has to be ascertained. Identify if it is an ethical, legal, moral, professional or clinical problem. The practitioner’s and the client’s insights regarding the problem must be examined. Consultation with the client can begin at this stage as problems are being identified. Looking at the problem from different perspectives is useful as most ethical dilemmas are complex. Step 2 – Identify the potential issues involved. From the collected information, irrelevant ones must be discarded. The critical issues must be noted and described. The welfare of those involved; their rights and responsibilities must be evaluated. Ethical principles relevant to the problem must be identified and examined with the client. In doing so the moral principles namely, autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence, justice and fidelity must be considered and applied to the situation. The safety and welfare of the client and practitioner cannot be compromised while potential issues are being sorted out. Step 3- Review the relevant ethics codes. The practitioner must seek guidance that can be found from the professional codes of ethics. They provide a basis for accountability, and through their enforcement, provide protection for clients from unethical practices (Corey, 1997). Practitioner must also examine the agreeability of his values with the relevant codes. Should they be in conflict, he must have a rationale to support his stance. It is essential to consider congruency of these values and ethics with those of the client’s. The practitioner must ensure clarity of the ethical codes and if they are applicable with the state laws of the region. Step 4- Know the applicable laws and regulations. The practitioner should be up to date with the specific and relevant laws that apply to the ethical issue. This is particularly critical in situations which deal with keeping or breaching of confidentiality, reporting of child or elder abuse, record keeping, assessment, diagnosis, issues pertaining to dangers to self or others and the grounds of malpractice. Step 5- Obtain consultation. Consulting with colleagues to obtain different perspectives on the problems is generally considered to be helpful. Seeking legal counsel for legal questions is prudent along with consulting a person with an expertise in an unfamiliar culture to serve a client from that culture. In addition the practitioner must understand current rules and regulations of the agency or organization that he or she is working for. It is wise for the nature of the consultation and suggestions provided to be documented. These records would illustrate the practitioner’s attempt to adhere to the community’s standard practice. Step 6- Consider possible and probable courses of action. At this point a list of a variety of courses of action may be identified through brainstorming. The practitioner could discuss with the client as well as other professionals the available options. The possibilities could be identified for probable courses of actions and these should be documented. Step 7- Enumerate the consequences of various decisions. From the various possible courses of actions, implications of each course must be examined. The questions of who will be affected and to what extent will the client’s decision to pursue the actions affect them must be carefully examined. Again using the fundamental moral principles as a framework, the client must collaborate with the practitioner to ascertain the probable outcomes and consequences. If new ethical issues arise from the selected course of action, a re-evaluation of the action must be pursued. Step 8- Decide on what appears to be the best course of action. Careful consideration of all information received from different sources deliberately and with sensitivity to cross cultural issues is critical before making the best decision. Once making the decision, informing the supervisor, implementing and documenting the decision follows. Reflecting on the experience considering any follow up action could result in finding a solution for the client. While the procedural steps may help in resolving ethical matters, some implications may be noted. Firstly, the client enters a collaborative relationship with the practitioner. The implication is that the client with the practitioner’s help must draw out the details of the problem. This implicates that the client should refrain from coveting relevant information to enable an accurate analysis of the issue. This is to ascertain the true nature of the problem whether it is an ethical, legal, moral, professional, or clinical one. The different perspectives of the problem must be explored. What are the insights the client and practitioner have regarding the problem? (Corey et al., 2007). Failing which the consequence is an unnecessary delay in resolving the problem as there will be an inaccurate analysis of the situation. Secondly, in identifying the potential issues, all the persons involved in the problem must be identified. The implication of failing to identify any one individual who may be affected by the decision of the client would be unethical. The welfare, rights and responsibilities of those affected by the decision might create a different set of problems. The decision would then have to be reversed and a new course of action would have to be pursued. It is to therefore necessary to explore to what extent the course of the action will affect the client and the others (Corey et al., 2007). Next the values and ethics of the client and the practitioner must be evaluated and the degree of congruency noted. This implicates that the relevant ethical principles that are identified to the problem should not be in conflict with those of the client and the practitioner. If there are disagreements, then they must be supported with a rationale. If necessary, guidance must be sought from the relevant organization to clarify the professional codes to the particular problem. Otherwise consequently, the client’s decision may violate the ethical codes relevant to the issue. The client must be informed of the relevant and most recent laws or regulations that apply to the situation. He must look out for any law or regulations that have a bearing on the situation. The implication of his ignorance is that he may run into problems with the law. The practitioner too must abide by the rules, regulations and policies of the workplace. When in doubt practitioner must seek professional advice. The client must be informed of legal issues related to confidentiality, abuse of the vulnerable, record keeping and grounds for malpractice. If the practitioner discovers a criminal act by a client for example, sex with an under-aged girl he has the moral responsibility to report him. The practitioner has the ethical responsibility to discuss with the client on the implications of his actions before reporting the incident. The client must understand the implications of his actions that violate the law. The fundamental moral principles may be considered as framework for evaluating the consequences of the given course of action. The client must decide the principles that apply to the situation specifically and prioritise them. By thinking through these ethical principles, professional can better evaluate their options in such complex situations. Prioritising the principles can help the client and practitioner to work through the steps of the decision-making model (Elizabeth, 2010). There are implications however when prioritizing one over another. The practitioner encourages the client to exercise autonomy i.e. making a free choice. In doing so, the client must have the concept of doing no harm or non-maleficence and acting in justice (Elizabeth, 2010). Conflict can arise when subscribing to justice which may result in the necessity of treating an individual differently. Though not easy to apply equal weightage to all the principles, it will help to explore an ethical dilemma and resolve it with the least damage to the welfare of those affected. The model may be useful when clients seek help in making decisions in their life regarding relationship issues. A client may be caught in a loveless marriage and be involved in an extra-marital affair and seek advice to take the next step in his life. The dilemma of whether to dissolve his marriage and move on with his life or stay in the marriage to fulfil his duties towards his wife and children is one that needs careful consideration. A divorce would mean breaking up of his family and causing a disruption in the relationship with his children. Staying in the marriage would mean the sacrifice of his love life. Analysing his situation using the model can shed light to clarify the implications of his actions and weigh the consequences. The model may help clients to make decisions at their place of work regarding conflicting work practices. An office worker may be tormented by the wrong practices of her fellow colleagues. She may be facing a dilemma as to whether to report her colleagues to the management or turn a blind eye to the situation. The model can help the client to analyse the situation and evaluate her moral values. She would then be able to make an ethical decision that would do least harm to those involved in the situation. In conclusion, the eight – step model can be a useful tool in helping a practitioner to guide clients to make sound decisions that do not have conflict with their ethics and are aligned with the laws and regulations of the region. In doing so the practitioner must ensure that he or she is operating in the best interest of the clients.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Greece: Birthplace of Western Civilization
Greece: Birthplace of Western Civilization Greece was known as the Birthplace of Western Civilization (Aquino Badilles, 2006, p.80) because its culture became the epitome for the succeeding western civilizations. The tale of the ancient Greek civilization is a painful history of foreign supremacy. But their civilization was built on solid foundation and led by efficient leaders that created values and customs that are still being practiced and observed by modern societies. It is for this reason that the Greek civilization flourished, remembered, celebrated and accepted by the whole world. One factor that can be considered as an integral part of the development of Greek civilization is its geography. The geography of Greece had an overwhelming impact on its political, cultural, economic and social growth. The geographical features of ancient Greece contributed to its advantage and disadvantage. Ancient Greece can be found at the tip of Balcan peninsula in Southwestern Europe. It is surrounded by three seas: in the south is the Mediterranean Sea; Ionian Sea in the west; and the Aegean Sea in the east. The Corint Gulf connects the separate region of the Peloponnesus, which is the southern tip of Greece, and Africa (Willis, 1985). The Greek mainland is a peninsula which extends into the Mediterranean Sea. The core of ancient Greece is consisted of mountainous and rugged lands. The Pindus Mountain, which is 8700 feet high, runs down the Middle of the Balkan Peninsula and is considered as the dominant range (Burns, 1958). Greece is a strategic location for empire building because it served as the crossroads between Africa, Asia and Europe. Three geographical features that affected Greece the most included the climate, the mountains and the seas. Ancient Greeces climate is temperate, making it comfortable to the people to be outside of their homes almost every year. This allowed them to engage in outdoor life within their city-states. They were able to interact with each other which enabled them to organize outdoor activities such as athletic competitions, public gatherings, entertainment and art shows, and meetings, which facilitate to the development of a rich and distinct Greek culture. The second geographical feature is the mountains. Greece is a mountainous society. Almost 70 to 80 percent of Greece is covered and dominated with mountains (Aquino Badilles, 2006). The advantage of the mountains is that they contributed to the preservation of the purity of Greek culture. Because of the mountains, inhabitants of ancient Greek civilization were secluded to their area resulting to rare interactions with other cultures. One bad effect of this geographical feature is that it served as a natural barrier which acted like walls separating different communities. It hindered communication among communities and slowed down the introduction of new ideas and technology. It also obstructed the development of a unified system of government. The Greeks ingenious solution to this problem is to developed the polis or the city-state. The creation of the city-states indicates the start of Greeks classical age because the emergence of the polis started the numerous great achievements o f the civilization (Willis, 1985). It also proved that democratic government works better in smaller states (Willis, 1985). Every polis has its own government and laws and it helped promote peoples participation in political affairs. It also provided protection and security to the inhabitants. Because states are smaller, the demands and needs of the people were easily reflected in the laws and policies that the government established. Another disadvantage of this geographical feature is that only few lands were dedicated to farming. Few small valleys and plains of ancient Greece provided farm land for the people. Adding to the disadvantage is the the rocky lands and poor soil which are not suitable for the domestication of plants. Although they experienced such disadvantages in farming, they still tried to cultivate olives and grapes. They also domesticated sheeps and cattles as an alternative to farming. The development of the polis also helped in their dilemma because it allowed t hem to supply enough food for the smaller population. The last and probably the most important geographical feature is the sea. Having been surrounded by three major bodies of water served as an advantage because it allowed early Greeks to travel and trade. The nearness of Greece to major trade routes allowed the prosperity in maritime commerce (Aquino Badilles, 2006). The sea also made the people became fishers, sailors and merchants. They excelled in ship buildings and voyaging because of their knowledge about seas around them. In the Greco-Persian wars, the Greeks used the seas to their advantage. They build smaller more efficient ships to pass through narrow routes and they exhibited their skills as naval armies. Also, the seas allowed the Greeks to depend heavily on trade. The Greeks get what they could not grow through trading. The exchanged olive oil, wine, wool and pottery with grains and other natural resources, which had a limited supply during that time . Because of their proximity to the seas, fish became the Greeks staple food. Moreover, trade encouraged cultural diffusion. It enabled the exchange of ideas with other culture and the spread of Hellenistic culture. It also encouraged them to have further knowledge about different existing civilizations at that time. To sum it all up, the mountains of Greece limited the civilizations agricultural progress and political unity. But, instead of being a disadvantage, the limitations provided ancient Greece with a stronger and well-developed communities. Adding to that are the seas that connect Greece with each other and the whole world. The seas provided Greeks with wider perspectives about other cultures and encouraged them to find ways on how to properly utilize their limited resources. It just affirms that geography, in one way or another, shaped and affected the ancient Greek civilization. References Aquino, G. Badilles, D. (2006). Social studies in perspective III. Makati City, Philippines: Diwa Scholastic Press Inc. Burns, E. M. (1958). Western civilization. New York: W. W. Norton and Co. Inc. McNeil, W. H. (1999). A world history: 4th edition. New York: Oxford University Press. Willis, F. R. (1985). Western civilization. USA: D. C. Health and Company.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Language in Our Lives :: essays papers
Language in Our Lives Have you ever wondered who taught you to talk the way you do? People learn to talk and express themselves everyday of their lives. Starting from the day you were born you used language or some form of it to communicate with those around you. As a baby you usually show your displeasure with your new surroundings by crying, and if you don’t the doctor will make sure you do. Everyday we express our point of view to others in some form of language. Whether it is through verbal communication, written discourse or through body language, you can tell if a person is upset, angry, or happy. We as human beings don’t realize how much language has to do with our lives. How can you determine if one of your friends is angry with you? Is there a different tone to their voice? Do they have a stern look on their face? Of course they do, your friend feels the need to express their anger to you by these different forms of language. Where do we learn to use these different forms of la nguage? How are our uses of these languages shaped? The three main contributing factors to how we express ourselves through language come from our schooling, our friends, and most of all from our families. Going to school can teach you many things, even more than you can imagine. Who would know that in school you could actually learn a whole new vocabulary? This never seen before vocabulary will only come out in writing and besides that will be hidden deep among the depths of your subconscious. Truly, school can teach you more than just random information. Schooling has a huge affect on language you use in a daily basis. The only place where I was ever taught that the way in which I spoke was wrong. When I look back at the time consuming vocabulary work and the never-ending readings, I now realize how I benefited from them. I may not me the best writer, but I do have a plethora of words to share. Where do you think you learned that you’re not doing good you’re doing well, and who taught you that a coma should be placed here, or that you shouldn’t end a sentence with a preposition, without these helpful teachings I don’t know where we would be at.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Swarovski Branding Strategies & Products
SWAROVSKI. Branding for luxury goods Group G. Members: Truong Anh Bao Nguyen Yunkyung Choo Lilit Nagapetyan CONTENT: 1 History 2 Concept 3 Brand Strategy 4 Marketing Mix 5 Positioning 6 Services 7 Target Consumer 8 CBBE Pyramid 9 SWOT analysis 10 Competitors 11 Recommendation 12 References 1. HISTORY: 1882 Daniel Swarovski (1862-1956) invents a revolutionary machine that allows crystals to be cut more precisely than with existing manual methods. 1895 Daniel Swarovski founds the company in Wattens, Tyrol, with the vision of bringing joy to people through crystal.His guiding principle is still followed by the company today: â€Å"To constantly improve what is good. †1949 SWAROVSKI OPTIK is founded, and goes on to become a leading manufacturer of precision optical instruments for hunting and nature observation (binoculars, telescopes, rifle scopes, range finders, and night vision and optronic devices). 1956 The first Swarovski crystals for chandeliers and lighting are launched, and in 1977 are registered under the STRASS Swarovski Crystal name.Today they adorn classical chandeliers, suche as those in the Palace of Versailles and the Metropolitan Opera, New York, as well as more modern lights. Swarovski starts to manufacture precision-cut gemstones. 2002 Swarovski develops Crystal Fabric: countless tiny crystals create a delicate shimmer over a variety of materials. 2003 In conjuction with leading fashion and jewelry designers, â€Å"Runway Rocks†is founded – a collection of unique jewelry pieces featuring crystal for the catwalk, showcasing design and innovation 2009 At the â€Å"Baselword†watch and jewerly exhibition, Swarovski launches its first watch collection. . CONCEPT More than a century ago, Daniel Swarovski, its founder, once said â€Å"A diamond of everyone†that sparkles everyone's lives, Swarovski today has been thriving for the best to serve its customers, being one of the finest crystal producers in today’ s global industry. Mission Through the mastery of the poetry of precision we continue to be market leader, driving force and reliable partner within our industry to meet people’s desire for adornment and delight since 1895 as * manufacturer, marketer, and retailer of premium jewelry and customer products ranging from decorative objects to lighting and accessories. manufacturer and marketer of premium jewelry stones for customers. * Swarovski provides high quality products and services and anticipate, fulfill and exceed consumers’ desires and customers’ needs. * Swarovski offers our colleagues and teams fulfilling challenges that inspire them to be innovative and creative. 3. BRAND STRATEGY: Not so long ago Swarovski was not very famous and didn't have any branding strategies. ‘For a long time Swarovski didn't â€Å"brand†its product. And back then it wasn't really about branding as it is nowadays.We had to develop a hard-core communications strateg y – a PR strategy – which we pitched to the editors and designers. ‘ said Nadja Swarovski, Swarovksi Vice president of International Communications. Today, Swarovski is almost omnipresent everywhere from fashion awards, catwalk shows, film premieres; its crystals are used by fashion designers from the edgiest Central Saint Martins graduate to the hallowed ateliers of Armani, Dior and Chanel. This is where the real success of Swarovski lies: by aligning the company with the most avant-garde young fashion talent.When the hottest British designers of the time, Alexander McQueen, Philip Treacy and Julien Macdonald used Swarovski crystal mesh – a fine fishnet gauze studded with tiny crystals – in his catwalk show, it immediately changed people's perception of the brand. ‘The McQueen show provided a visual that was very different to the standard idea people had of us,' Nadja says. The company then began to re-establish the company's links with the f ashion world, sponsoring younger designers who are in need of capital to make their label take off.Nearly ten years later this winning formula is still producing results. Designers, no matter how edgy or cool, all seem to want to use Swarovski crystals and accept sponsorship. ‘If you're a young designer starting a collection, it's great to have crystal in there because it makes it more haute couture,' Nadja says. ‘It adds elegance, a seriousness, credibility. In fashion, if you have something to prove, then couture, or at least craftsmanship, is the right track. â€Å" Not only enraptured the fashion world, Swarovski also moved on to the film industry.Some of Swarovski's most high-profile projects have been Moulin Rouge, where the sets and costumes groaned under the weight of Swarovski crystals, Titanic and the recent Bond films. During Oscar season Nadja sets up camp in Los Angeles, and stylists can browse the Swarovski jewellery, shoes and handbags with a view to dres sing their clients on the red carpet. These days Swarovski crystals adorn everything from iPods and mobile phones to Maria Sharapova's new Nike tennis dress. They even covered, whisper it, Jordan's wedding dress. 4.Marketing Mix Products: The Swarovski Crystal range includes crystal glass sculptures and miniatures, jewelry and couture, home decor, and chandeliers. They're best known for imitating â€Å"colored germs†All sculptures are marked with a logo. The original Swarovski logo was an edelweiss flower, which was finally replaced with the current swan logo in 1988 Subsidiary companies: Swarovski Fashion accessories and crystal-based ornaments. Daniel Swarovski Jewelry, handbags, accessories and interior design objects. Swarovski Optik Optics.Atelier Swarovski Fashion and jewellery designers. Swarovski Crystal Palace Avant-garde lighting and design (chandeliers etc. ). Swarovski Elements Crystal designs. Swarovski Gemstone Business Gemstone designs. Swarovski Lighting Swar ovski finished lighting products and solutions with crystal for architecture. Tyrolit A bonded grinding and dressing tools company. Swareflex A road safety products specialist. Schonbek A crystal chandelier manufacturer. Touchstone Crystal Swarovski's direct sales company for ready-made jewelry PlaceAll boutiques are beautifully set up and conveniently located in the fashion mall/heart of big 19 metropolitan cities from Dubai, Madrid, Hongkong to New York City over 20 countries in North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. Also online website is available with convenient shipping services Price 100$ to $42,800/item Promotion Promotion is via press, social network (Twitter, Facebook, Youtube) as well as via traditional and on-going sponsorship for young talented artists/ designers to use Swarovski crystals in any kinds of their designs in fashion show, film awards, etc.Therefore, the best season to promote Swarovski crystals is during the fashion week (twice a year- January to March and from September to October) and movie/film award ceremonies seasons (October to February) 5. Positioning Swarovski is positioning itself as a luxury fashion by creating a customer experience to let people know Swarovski’s brand values of innovation and modernity. They would like to position themselves as creating premium, high-quality products for the consumers. They are trying to be a market leader in the luxury jewelry industry by innovating continuously.Recently, Swarovski hired Yellowdoor as retained agency, which will focus on positioning as an affordable luxury brand. * Luxury fashion brand * Market leader in the luxurious crystal industry * Multi-faceted business * Affordable luxury brand 6. Service * Collection of rings, pins, earrings, pendants, necklaces, hair jewels, cuff links, charms, brooches, bracelets, bangles and gifts. * Large variety of color options * Vast selection of gifts available for fewer than $100 * Magazine and group for Swarovski enthusiasts. * Free shipping standard on orders more than $95 * Customized gift messages Free gift wrapping and bag * Scheduled delivery * Right to return (2 week return policy) * Product warranty * After sales services 7. Target Customer Swarovski's target customer is â€Å"every female†from 17 to 71 in terms either of buying or gift receiving because they offer diverse products to such a broad range of people. Even though each group (tweens, generations X,Y and Baby Boomers) has its own needs and values, Swarovski meets most of them. Swarovski Jewellery bases most of its market on women of age 25 and above by creating bridal, business, classical and sophisticated collections.It also include men accessories such as bracelets and watches, and of course kids over 6 years old. Also, one of the biggest Swarovski's market target today is fashion industry. Swarovski crystals are affixed to everything from Victoria's Secret bra sets and Kawasaki motorcycles, to the clothing collections of such as Dolce ; Gabbanna and avant-garde vintage revisionists Imitation of Christ. 1) Women collection of * Sophisticated * Business * Classical * Bridal collections 2) Men MEN’s collection * Rings * Bracelets * Necklaces 3) Kids * Disney collection Hello Kitty collection 4) Other Industries: Swarovski crystals are affixed to everything. * Victoria's Secret bra sets * Kawasaki motorcycles * Clothing collections * DJ Headphones 8. CBBE Pyramid Resonance: HIGH LOYALTY Brand resonance is high due to active loyalty of customers Consumer Judgments: GLOBAL BRAND WITH RICH HERITAGE Perfect and innovative crystal products High quality production Consumer Feeling: PRESTIGIOUS ELEGANCE Prestigious, elegant, fragile, dedicated, timeless Humble and sophisticated Feels like a fairy Brand Performance: EXCELLENT SERVICESExtremely durable, serviceable Offers timeless, high quality crystal products Innovative product lines: Optik gears, etc. Brand Imagery: GLAMOROUS Glamorous luxurious crystal pro ducts Women/young ladies with high income, high taste of elegant sophisticated jewelries Brand Salience: HIGH DEPTH & BREADTH Extremely high recognition on the crystal market Most known for its crystal jewelries product line If it's crystal, it’s nothing else but Swarovski! 9. SWOT Analysis: Strengths Strong brand identity and high company reputation World widely recognized market leaderCheap materials, high added value products Craftsmanship (durable quality) Online store New techniques Perfection High quality After sales services Weaknesses Expensive production in Austria Repetitive design Opportunities Diversity of customers of all ages New markets in Latin America ; emerging markets in Asia Various product lines through collaboration Unlimited design according to crystal cutting Threats Cheaper competitors Imitators/substitutes Relies on disposable income of consumers Slowdown in market growth Cheaper artificial crystal 0. Competitors Price: Cartier – Swarovski â⠂¬â€œ Pandora – Preciosa Reputation in jewelry market: Cartier – Swarovski – Pandora – Preciosa Variety of jewelry products: Pandora – Swarovski – Cartier – Preciosa Quality of crystal: Swarovski – Cartier – Preciosa – Pandora 11. Recommendation †¢Product Strategy Swarovski should expand its business in the jewelry market, having more product lines as well as jewelry designs since it's already has a reputation in the crystal industry: Extend their product lines (perfumes, watches, Home electronics , etc. Extend their jewelries products (leather bracelet, wedding ring, etc. ) Focus on jewelry customization †¢Place: Establish stores in Latin America and expand business in emerging markets †¢Pricing No changes †¢Promotion No changes 12. REFERENCE: http://www. swarovski. com/ http://www. brand. swarovski. com/Content. Node/home. fr. html#/en/aboutus/ourevolution http://www. brand. swarovski. com/Co ntent. Node/home. fr. html#/en/aboutus/spirit http://swarovskijewrley. blogspot. fr/2010/09/week-4-marketing-environment. html http://online-jewelry-review. optenreviews. com/swarovski-review. html http://www. brandchannel. com/ http://www. prweek. com/uk/news/890882/Swarovski-hires-Yellowdoor/? DCMP=ILC-SEARCH http://fashion. telegraph. co. uk/news-features/TMG3361538/Swarovski-the-glitz-spirit. html http://www. crystalfanaticsclub. com/about_swarovski. php http://globalfashionanalytics. com/ritejl/brending/157-marketingovaja-strategija-v-ljuksovom-segmente. htm http://news. naver. com/main/read. nhn? mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=101&oid=001&aid=0005922714
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Leadership and nurse retention: The pivotal role of nurse leaders Essay
The Massachusetts Department of Higher Education in collaboration with the CITATION Thu12 l 1033 (Thurston, 2012)organized a working sectional conference titled Effective Mentoring; Nursing Leadership Practices after Training Completion and development skills for charge nurses. Over 40 experienced professionals from major statewide stakeholders in the Healthcare industry were brought together during this session. Those in attendance included nurses from various practice sessions and representatives from the Department of Higher Education, the Board of Registration in Nursing, the Massachusetts Center for Nursing (MCN), the Massachusetts Association of Colleges of Nursing (MACN), the Massachusetts/Rhode Island League for Nursing (MARILN), other national accrediting agencies were also present like the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC) and the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE). The keynote speaker for the conference was MD Welborn E. Crawford of Massachusetts Semin Hospital who has extensive experience in offering guidance on organizational leadership in the practice of medicine and is also chairman on the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) board. Crawford also has several publications under his belt specifically discussing about how to boost development skills of leadership at the workplace. His past roles in professional development are inclusive of nursing peer review and advancement, teaching and the use of simulation. The current role he holds at the hospital as MD provides oversight on how various departments of the hospital are run including quality service provision and process improvement. The conference sought to ensure that, graduating nurses from nursing school to have a platform to ensure a seamless progression in their career by furnishing with necessary knowledge and skills that will ensure their development while practicing nursing after their graduation. Participation in the conference was on the consideration of the fact of holding a charge nurse position at my workplace and the constant need to make decisions and supervise ACRNs at the workplace needed a more astute approach of leadership. Analysis of Leadership Characteristics and Style Most of the conflicts in the nursing industry are as an increased inefficiency in leadership styles and practices. In many instances, personality traits often in one way or the other demonstrate a link with leadership behaviors and characteristics and in this instances are either inborn or easily learned. The main focus of Crawford’s speech was on the process of enhancing transformation of other nurses’ while at the workplace through meeting the needs of the pre-identified environment. The keynote speaker kept the participants going throughout the session through the asking of questions. Through the question and feedback process, a debating platform was created similar to the one encourage for organizational leaders where employees are allowed the opportunity to be engaged in the decision-making process of an organization. He reflected on Brooks and Andersons publications which suggested that a good number of nurses felt invaluable to an organization when they were not allowed the opportunity to participate in decision-making processes and their efforts at the workplaces going unrecognized. These ideology posters to core the need of as a leader to acknowledge a subordinate in the event they contribute something worthy at the work setting. The exchange of information and negotiation between people and their leaders has evolved over the years and this and this has similarly had an impact on leadership theories evolvement. In the conference setting, our keynote speaker had adopted the democratic style of leadership where all and sundry were allowed to measure in on the debate and from the information provided by the audience, the Crawford expounded further on their ramifications in ensuring success during task performance. Further from his speech, it became clear that apart from the democratic leadership style, there existed other two distinct styles that have always been adopted by leaders namely; authoritarian and laissez faire. Under authoritarian leadership, an employee were not allowed to make any decisions and in most cases handles all managerial duties and decisions all by themselves without any external interference from the employees. It is largely the opposite of democratic leadership. Lastly, there is the lais sez-faire leadership style where the leader is in total control of all aspects of an organization. Environments are also fundamental in determining what particular style of leadership will be a success but transformational leadership is mostly championed for in many leadership settings for it is particularly considered to create a conducive environment for not only nurses but also their respective patients. However, there still exists doubts on the credibility of these words for there exists little or no studies at all that pinpoint an exact correlation between leadership behaviors, patient outcomes and nursing practice environments. Charge nurses were therefore encouraged to adopt the transformational leadership style for the nurses that one is in-charge of are allowed to participate in any decision-making process. It has been established that nurses have positive response to transformational leadership because it ensures that build and develop themselves individually as a unit thus they are personally empowered to achieve their goals. In retrospect, in utilization of this kind of leadership, a leader is equally motivated a leader that allows the creation of synergetic environments where creativity can be easily managed. Considering the fact that a good number of nursing discords are in one way or the other related with the leaderships styles, it is important for charge nurses to adopt a stance of being facilitators for solutions as opposed to being problem creators. One important aspect fro transformational leadership is the participatory decision-making approach with employees to similar to what Dr. Crawford w as utilizing at the platform. The participatory decision-making approach allows an increased accountability of actions at the workplace by employees thus they are empowered and the same can be transformed to patients. Frontline charge nurses who not have effective leadership practices in most instances do not perform their duties for solving problems at the nursing unit, it therefore important for such leaders to adapt effective leadership skills so that they can be assured of achieving better outcomes. Communication skills In delivering speeches, it is important for a speaker to develop an interpersonal relationship with his audience for it is the foundation for all human interaction. Not only are effective communication deponents beneficial in delivering speeches but also it ensures the normal function of various systems of an organization. In the nursing workplace, as a charge nurse it is important to ensure that communication is two-way in the sense that not only are people listening to directives of their leader but also the leader allows them the opportunity to air their concerns. Whether an individual is traversing information in a formal or informal context, it is important for them to acknowledge their audiences, purpose for speaking, follow through in what one is putting across, have a broad array of presenting your information and utilization of several techniques in delivering information CITATION Ant13 l 1033 (Anthony, et al., 2013). It is also important to note one’s external enviro nment while putting across a specific message for it determines how information seriated and perceived by an audience. In the case of Crawford, he focused mainly on the ensuring the comfort of his audience by constantly asking whether or not they were comfortable in the conference room and delved mainly on the progressive leadership in nursing for all those in attendance were knowledgeable of the topic being discussed. The speaker was also keen on ensuring that all the stakeholders and those in attendance were convinced of his thoughts on progressive leadership for nurses and how to develop this in graduation nurses form nursing school by ensuring that he gave a clear background information of the topic he was discussing then finally gave an in-depth analysis of the developmental ways for building leadership skills for junior nurses at the workplace. While communication his information across, his stands on leadership styles were backed up by facts and claims from other professional s in the healthcare industry with utmost clarity and simplicity which ensured a good number of those in attendance to comprehend the information that was being put across and the purpose of the conference was thus being achieved in an astute and prospective manner. MD Crawford made it his mandate to ensure that all relevant aspects of leadership in nursing and how to nurture young habits in graduating nurses could be attained which brought to core leadership issues that if neglected by one who is in-charge at the workplace could impact negatively on the functioning of a particular unit of a hospital CITATION Ame09 l 1033 (Association, 2009). Considering the fact that nurturing the graduating nurses was a new noble idea for healthcare practitioners, the idea therefore needs a lot of selling. The delivery of this message was efficient in the sense that it was being aimed at the correct audience who effectively act on it, this was ensured through constant repetition of the idea in the delivery of his speech and for sure he did deliver the message to its desired levels for a good number of participants after the conference signed up for a two month seminar that Crawford suggested for the 27th the same month where further leadership models would be discussed and how they could be applied at the workplace. With respect to the experience of Crawford and considering that he was getting delivering his speech to his peers, he adopted the good old boy presentation style. Basically, his presentation was divided into an introduction which gave a clear understanding of the problem that needed nursing practitioners’ attention. Secondly, he talked of the organizations which sponsored the event and their role in collaboration with the American Nursing Association in ensuring nurses developed well envisaged skills to be great leaders in their nursing careers upon graduation from school by ensuring there existed some sort of mentoring platform where they could interact and exchange ideas with experienced professionals in the industry CITATION Gir12 l 1033 (Girvin, 2012). Thirdly, using visual aid supports like chart drawings and diagrams, the speaker used supporting facts to put across information regarding leadership styles and how effectively communication can be achieved at the workplace. Most importantly, each visual aid used in the delivery of the speech fully gave an in-depth understanding of what was being discussed whose main purpose was to ensure that those in the audience were familiar with the topic being discussed by the end of his presentation. The conclusion of the presentation effectively showed that the proposal that was presented by the speaker could be made effective in hospital interstate and according to the interpersonal discussions among the participants; it was evident that the stakeholders present were eager to take up the initiative of pushing the recommendations into a reality. Upon conclusion of his speech, the keynote speaker allowed the participants to air their questions which were promptly answered Critical Reflections The speakers’ speech was outlined and delivered to the requirements of the Massachusetts Organization of Nurse Executives who had organized the conference. In clearly defined detail, the conference topic, â€Å"Effective Mentoring; Nursing Leadership Practices after Training Completion and development skills for charge nurses,†was extensively addressed and all the stakeholders present were given a challenge of developing some sort of mentoring program that will help in nurturing the leadership skills of graduating nurses. Guided by the conference topic, Crawford presented the leadership debate convincingly through diving his content into leadership issues and the most effective ways and the role played b communication in ensuring one was efficient in their position as a leader. The adoption of a Good Old Boy presentation style of communication was effective considering that the participants at the conference were his peers and this coupled with his use of visual aids t o deliver his speech ensured a good delivery CITATION Was10 l 1033 (Waskett, 2010). Implications for Professional Nursing Practice The conference proceedings were influential in answering good number of concerns that those in the nursing environment experience in their workplace which generally affect the outcomes of the job. A good number of problems are associated with the nursing charge position such as poor description of the jobs being delegated to others, irresponsibility experienced with the an increase in the duties appended to a particular individual at the workplace and most importantly the lack of necessary knowledge on how to undertake leadership positions. Personally, the conference furnished with important knowledge of I was previously ignorant on: the role of communication for leadership. It was evident that as a charge nurse, I need to be not only authoritarian when it came to decision-making situations but also involvement and listening to other nurses will help with ensuring that a diverse pool of ideas are available to ensure an easy decision-making process. At the same time, involving other i n decision-making ensured that they felt part of the organization that they were more motivated to perform their tasks effectively CITATION Gar09 l 1033 (Garvey, Stokes, & Megginson, 2009). As a leader, I have the mandate of ensuring and facilitating the learning process of other junior nurses at the workplace through the more refined method of mentoring. With respect to developing a mentoring platform for graduating nurses, it is important to ensure that all nurses at the workplace are under a senior guardian at the workplace who will ensure that the nurses are given lessons and guidance on how to communicate effectively at the workplace thus preparing them for future leadership positions. References  Anthony, M., Standing, T., Glick, J., Duffy, M., Paschall, F., Sauer, M., et al. (2013). Leadership and nurse retention: The pivotal role of nurse leaders. Journal for Nursing Adminstartion, 146-155. Association, A. N. (2009). Nurse leaders pass measures on disastser planning . Washington DC: American Nurses Association . Garvey, B., Stokes, P., & Megginson, D. (2009). Coaching and Mentoring: Theory and Practice. London: SAGE Publications . Girvin, J. (2012). Leadership and nursing: Part two: styles of leadership. Nursing and Managment , 20-22. Thurston, B. (2012, August 24). Annual Conference on Nursing leadership 2012. Retrieved November 14, 2014, from Massachusetts Organization of Nurse Executives : Waskett, C. (2010). Clinical supervision using the 4S model 1: Considering the structure and setting it up . Nursing Times , 12-14. Source document
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